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 Kayla: "Hey guys, glad you could make it!"

Penny: "Hi" *smiles*

Talon: "Sup" 

Kayla: "Ok, so we have a LOT to do today" *smiles really big*

Penny: "Uh oh.. i know that face Kayla" *frowns* 

Talon: "what face?"

Penny: "She only smiles like that when she has something big planned.. and that usually isn't too good for me."

Kayla: " You just wait and see Pen, just wait and see" *smiles at her* "Why don't you guys have a seat?"

Talon: "So what are we doing today?"  *sits on couch and Penny sits next to him*

Kayla: "Well, let's start off with a dare."

Talon: "For who?"

Kayla: "For you Talon,  well.. unless you're too scared"

Talon: "I'm never scared!"

Penny: "So, what's the dare Kayla?"

Kayla: "Talon, you have to take Penny's hand for the whole show" *tries not to giggle*

Penny: *eyes get wide* 

Talon: *face gets red* "Uh.."

Kayla: "Starting now!"

Talon: * slowly reaches over and awkwardly holds Penny's hand in his*

Penny: *blushes*

Kayla: "Ok now! Penny, what were you feeling when you fell on top of Talon? (we heart gadget)" *looks at her and smiles slightly*

Penny: "Uhh.. it was.. um.."

Talon: "Aww.. To scared to admit how you feel Blondie?" *smirks*

Penny: "No.." *blushes* "It was weird.. and extremely awkward at first" *hesitates* "But.. i kinda enjoyed it" *looks embarrassed*

Talon: "Oh yea?"*gives her a flirty grin and slightly squeezes her hand, causing her to blush*

Penny: *was about to say something when Kayla cuts her off*

Kayla: "and Talon, why were you worried when Penny jumped out of the helicopter? (clawruption)"

Penny: "Wait.. he was worried?"

Talon: "Um.. i was worried cause.."

Penny: *looks at him*

Talon: "I didn't want her to get hurt.. i didn't know she had a parachute"

Penny: *smiles at him*

Kayla: "Aww! you guys look so cute right now! holding hands and smiling.."

Penny and Talon: "We do not!"

Kayla: *giggles* "Ok, i have another question for Talon"

Penny: *is relieved that the next one isn't for her*

Kayla: "Talon, you were going to say something to Penny (airhead to the throne) What was it?"

Talon: "Um.. that 'my uncle was so going to ground me'" *smiles and hopes she believes him*

Penny: "Ok Talon, even i know that's not really what you were going to say"

Kayla: *looks at him and waits*

Talon: "Ok fine! i was.." *turns his head away from Penny* "I was going to tell her that i.. cared about her. That i.. like her"

Penny: *blushes slightly and smiles at him*

Kayla: "I have one more for Talon" *smiles*

Talon: "Really? Me AGAIN?"

Penny: "Aww.. is Talon scared?" *says in teasing voice*

Talon: "Ha ha, you know i'm never scared"

Penny: "Sure you're not" *smiles*

Kayla: "So, Talon will you ever ask Penny out on a date?" 

Talon: *face gets red* "Um.. i don't know"

Penny: *looks down at her lap*

Talon: "My uncle would kill me if he knew that i asked out a HQ agent. But.. i really would like to.. and.. Someday i probably will ask her."

Penny: *glances at him and blushes*

Kayla: "And Penny, would you accept to go out with him?"

Penny: "Um.." *hesitates and then says softly* "Yea"

Talon: *smiles really big and holds Penny's hand a bit tighter*

Kayla: *smiles at them*

Talon: "But.. um, until then.. Penny would you, umm.. like to go on an 'outing' with me after this and go see a movie?" 

Penny: *eyes get wide and blushes* "su.. sure"

Kayla: *smiles really big* "Well, that's all we have for now! So don't let me keep you guys!"

Talon: *stands up and walks to the door, still holding Penny's hand*

Kayla: "Talon, you do know that the show is over.. you don't have to hold her hand anymore"

Talon: *smirks* "I know"

Penny: *face turns bright red as they walk out of the room*

Thanks for reading this! I hope you liked it! By the way, I'm so happy right now!! I got 236 reads, 20 votes and lots of questions! (i know that that isn't that much, compared to some of the other books on here, but this the first thing i have ever posted online publicly in my life.. and this is huge for me) Thank you all so much! Oh, and as always please leave Questions and Dares in the comments area! 

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