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Kayla: "Hi guys! Great to have you back!"

Penny: "Well, it's always nice to be here.. more or less" *smiles slightly*

Talon: "Oh come on Blondie! Don't be like that! At least you get to see me!" *smirks at her teasingly*

Penny: *rolls eyes*

Kayla: "Ok, So what's the first thing you guys think about when you hear each other's names? You first Pen"

Penny: "Um.. I usually think of his smirk.. you know, that one he's always giving me." *blushes*

Talon: "You like it huh?" *wiggles his eyebrows and smirks at her again*

Penny: "Wow.. just wow"

Kayla: "What about you Talon? What do you think about when you hear Penny's name?"

Talon: *face gets red* "Do i really have to say it?.."

Penny: *looks him right in the eyes* "Yep"

Kayla: *smiles at how adorable they look together*

Talon: "The first thing i think of is.." *fake cough* "How cute she is" *fake cough*

Penny: "You think im cute?.." *blushes*

Kayla: "On to the next question!" *says before Talon can answer* "Penny, what do you like about Talon?"

Penny: "Err.. His computer smarts, his personality, his.." *blushes* "charm"

Talon: *eyes widen for a sec* "So, you think i'm charming?" *smiles to self*

Penny: *thinks over what she just said and blushes harder* "I never said that.. just.. forget what i said"

Kayla: *giggles* "and Talon, what do you like about Penny?"

Talon: "Well, i like that she is good with computers and hacking.. and she's really cute when she blushes"

Penny: *tries to stop blushing*

Kayla: "If you guys could go on a date with anyone, who would it be?"

Penny: "I would probably pick Talon.. If i  had to go on a date"

Talon: "Yea.. i would probably pick blondie here"

Penny: "Will you stop with the blondie thing already?" 

Talon: *smirks* "Nope"

Kayla: "Ok, have you two realized that you were hugging each other? (we heart gadget)"

Penny: "Well... the carriage thing was going crazy and we were going to crash. So yea.. but it was just reflexes"

Talon: "What she said.." *face gets a little red*

Kayla: "Sure.. you guys just believe what you want" *smiles*

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