The Hospital Prank

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 Kayla: "Pen! So happy you could come over so quickly!" 

Penny: "What's so important that i had to get down here right away?"

Kayla: "We are going to prank Talon.. again"

Penny: "What is it this time?" *tries not to smile*

Kayla "Well.."   *calls talon's cell phone and leaves a message* "Talon it's an emergency, get down to the hospital as fast as you can!!!" 

Penny: "Wait.. what?!"

Kayla: "Come on Penny, i'll explain on the way"

*15 min later*

Talon: "What happened? why did i need to come to the hospital?! Are you guys ok?!"

Kayla: *had tears in her eyes* "I'm ok.. but Penny isn't."

Talon: "What?! What happened to her?!!" *looks desperate* 

Kayla: "She was in a car accident.. she didn't to make it"

Talon: "What?! that can't be true.. it just.. can't!!" *a  tear falls down his face*

Kayla: *tears start to fall* " Come on, you might want to say your last goodbyes.. if there's anything you ever wanted to say to her.. it might be your last chance"  *leads him to a hospital room*

Talon: "She.. She's dead?" *tears well up in his eyes*

Kayla: *nodds slightly* "you can go in now*

Talon: *walks in*

Penny: *lies on hospital bed perfectly still*

Talon: *tears fall* "Penny.. I don't know if you can hear me or not.. since your.. you know" *chokes up* "But.. i just wanted to say that.. I-I love you Penny, i always have. I just didn't want it to end like this.." *puts his head in his hands and starts to cry*

Penny: *feels really really bad*

Kayla: *walks in*

Penny: "Talon, I'm fine! It was just a prank! Calm down"

Kayla: "Fooled you" *smiles slightly*

Talon: *eyes get wide and he jumps up, quickly wiping off the tears* "Your.. your ok?! I mean.. course you are! i knew it the whole time"

Penny: *sits up* "Ya.. sure"

Talon: "I was kinda obvious it was just a prank.." *lies*

Penny: *Right.."

Talon: "Anyhoo.. bye pretty girl, i better get back before Uncle Claw misses me"

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