I can't

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Kayla: "Ok, so today you too are going to be playing 'would you rather' as one of your dares"

Penny: "Ok?"

Talon: "Oh great... ok then"

Kayla: "Ok, so..."  *goes to a would you rather game online* "Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone?"

Penny: "No cell phone, duh. I'll just use my codex"

Talon: "Same, ill use my bracer"

Kayla: "Ok, so.. let's Talenny up this question a bit... would you rather have no codex or bracers or no internet?"

Penny: *Glares at Kayla*

Talon: *Smirks* "I'll take no bracer, cause then i could still use the internet to spy.. i mean check on Penny's spyplace"

Penny: "But Talon.. we're dating, there's no need to stalk my spyplace anymore, you can just talk to me"

Talon: "I can do whatever i want" *Crosses arms mockingly* 

Penny: *Rolls her eyes* "I'll pick no internet, cause even if not everything on my codex will still work... i love my codex. I'm not giving it up even if shes a blank screen"

Kayla: *Giggles* "So, do you love Talon or your codex more?"

Penny: *Thinks* "That's a hard one..." *see's Talon's expression* "Just kidding ok, Talon for sure"

Talon: *Smirks proudly*

Kayla: "Would you rather have nobody show up to your wedding.. or your funeral"

Talon: "Well wedding for sure, I don't care who shows up as long as i have my Pretty Penny"

Penny: "Aww, that's sweet... but i pick my funeral. Why would I care who comes to celebrate me when if i'm not there anyway?"

Kayla: "Haha, ok."

Penny: "What now?"

Kayla: "Well... that's it for now, but we'll meet up again in a few hours"

Penny: "Ok? Uh, bye Talon" *Kisses him, waves and walks out*

Talon: *Tries to walk out*

Kayla: "Oh no you don't..." *Grabs him shirt sleeve* 

                                               *2 hours later* (Warning: Drama from this point down)

Talon: "No way Kayla! I can't do it.. I can't cheat on Penny! It's unloyal!"

Kayla: "Talon.. you have to do this"

Talon: "NO!"

Kayla: "But don't you remember? You signed a contract a while back"

Talon: "Yea.. but.. but..."

Kayla: "Talon, I know you don't want to but.. you have to cheat on Penny. And not tell her it was a dare"

Talon: *Eyes tear up and he sighs*

Other girl: "Hi, i'm here to help with the dare"


                                                                       *4 min later*

Talon: *Kisses the other girl quickly*

Penny: "Hey Kayla, i'm here for the rest of the... the..." *See's them and gasps*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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