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Kayla:  "So, first question is for Talon"

Talon: "Why not?"

Kayla: "Who's prettier Penny or Mariette (from MLB)?"

Talon: "Hmm.. that's a hard one.." *Penny smacks his arm and he smiles* "Fine, Penny"

Kayla: "And Penny, Who's cuter Talon or Adrien?"

Penny: "Talon, but Adrien is a close second..."  *Talon glares at her*

Kayla: "Ok, so how about we play a game?"

Talon: "A game?"

Kayla: "You have to blindfold each other and try to get from one end of the room to the other with nothing but you voices as your guides. Penny first"

Penny: *Gulps*

Talon: *Blindfolds her and stands  beside her* 

Penny: "I can't see!"

Talon: "That's kinda the point, now follow my voice"

Penny: *Tries walking over to him but trips* "Ouch!"

Talon: "You ok?!"

Penny: "Yea, im fine" *Blushes and gets up*

Talon: "Ok, so walk to your left, and around the chair. Yea! That's it!"

Penny: "Follows Talon's voice to the other side of the room*

Kayla: "Ok, now blindfold Talon"

Penny: *Blindfold's him*

Talon: "Can I use my rocket boots?"

Penny and Kayla: "No!"

Talon: "Fine.."

Penny: "Ok, now turn slightly to the right, no.. your other right. Now to the left"

Talon: "Ugg! This is hard.." *Runs into the wall* "Oof!"

Penny: "And now, you made it"

*5 min later*

Kayla: "Hey Talon, Pen. You ready have some fun?"

Talon: "Uh.. Sure? Just please, no more running into walls..." *Penny interrupts*

Penny: "That honestly depends on what your definition of fun is right now Kayla"

Kayla: "Well... I may or may not gotton the professor to let me borrow that time machine from HQ.."

Penny: "You what?! And you know you can't talk about that with Talon in the room, he'll tell M.A.D!"

Talon: "Wait.. you guys really made a time machine? You do know what happened last time when we made one right?"

Kayla: "It only works for like a few min, then it shuts down. But I did arrange for some very special quests to come and visit us through it!"

Penny: "Is that even safe?.."

Kayla: "Nope!"

Talon: *Laughs* "Ok, so who?"

Kayla: "Well,Penny, Talon! Come on out!"

Penny: "Huh?" *A adult version of Penny and Talon walk in, and they look about 25 years old*

Kayla: "Well, since you are engaged, i thought you might want to meet the future you!"

Adult Talon: "Hey guys, were you from the future!" 

Talon: *Jaw drops*

Penny: "Ok.. prove it. Whats something only I would know 'Penny'?"

Adult Penny: "Well, you cut out a photo of Talon from the newspaper he was on, and keep it under your bed so your uncle wont find it and you always wanted  baby named Ivy"

Talon: "You keep a picture of me under your bed? I'm so flattered" *Smirks*

Penny: "How?!.. you... what?.."

Adult Penny: "As I said, we're you you from the future"

Kayla: "So, why don't you tell them how their life will turn out?"

Adult Talon: "Well, since we are you, we don't want to ruin everything for you before you can live it. But I can tell you that you two get married"

Penny: *Blushes* "Um.. ok, how do I ask this?.. But.. do you.. er, we have any kids?"

Talon: "Kids?.."

Adult Penny: "Would you like to meet them?"

Talon: "Meet them?!"

Penny: "Uhh..."

Adult Talon: "Come on in kids!"  *2 little kids walk in, there around the age of 5*

Adult Penny: "The girl is Ivy, and the boy is Ryder."

Talon and Penny: *Jaw drops*

Kayla: "Aww! So cute!"

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