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Kayla: "Hey Talon, hey Pen!"

Penny: "Hi Kay"

Talon: "Sup"

Kayla: "Nothing much.. wait. Penny, did you just call me Kay?"

Penny: "Well you call me Pen, it's only fair" 

Kayla: *Rolls eyes* "Ok... so first off, when Talon gets here, you have to pretend your pregnant" 

Penny: "Um... what?!!"

Kayla: "It's a dare, you have to do it Penny"

Penny: "You do know i'm a virgin right Kayla?.."

Kayla: "Just do it"

Penny: "Fine..." *The door opens*

Talon: *Walks in* "Hey girls"

Kayla: "Hey Talon.. by the way Penny wanted to tell you something"

Penny: *Glares at Kayla, then turns to Talon* "I'm..." *Tries to keep a straight voice* "pregnant"

Talon: "Oh ok" *Sits down on a chair, then jumps up quickly* "Wait your what?!!!"

Penny: "We're having a baby"

Talon: *Hugs Penny* "I'm going to be a father!! Oh man.. uncle C's going to kill me... but Grandma will be happy!.. and...."   *Then starts to think*

Kayla: *Struggles to hold in a laugh*

Talon: "Penny... when did we?....." 

Penny: *Kayla burst out laughing* "It was a dare Talon, I'm not really pregnant"

Talon: *Frowns* "Well that was cruel..."

Kayla: "Anyways! On to the next thing on today's list! You two now have to sing 'Bad little boy' from adventure time"

Penny: *Smiles*

Talon: "Sure?" *Kayla uses his M.A.D phone to put on the music*

Kayla: "Ok, go!"

Talon: "Good little girl, always picking a fight with me.. You know that I'm bad, But you're spending the night with me. *Pauses* What do you want from my world? You're a good little girl

Penny: Bad little boy, that's what you're acting like. I really don't buy that you're that kind of guy and, if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?

Talon: *Laughs* Don't you know I'm a villain? Every night I'm out killing, Sending everyone running like children. I know why you're mad at me, I've got demon eyes and they're looking right through your anatomy. Into your deepest fears baby, I'm not from here.. I'm from the Nightosphere, to me you're clear transparent. You've got a thing for me girl. It's apparent

Penny: *Smirks* "Yea I do Talon" *Kisses him quickly on the lips*

Talon: *Blushes, as the music turns off*

Kayla: "Alright, now I have to go talk to Talon privately, we'll be in the next room" *She walks out, and Talon follows looking confused*

Penny: "Ok?..."

Kayla: *Is in the other room with Talon and whispers something to him*

Talon: *Nods and pretends to fall, making a load thump*

Kayla: *Screams*

Penny: "Is everything ok?!" *Runs into the room and see's Talon passed out on the floor*

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