Chapter 1: Meet Jesse

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Author's Note:

Okay for those of you who have't already read this story I changed the name from Sex Change to In Her Shoes wich to me is MUCH better. However thanks to the oh so lovely, DepthsOfMyHeart for making two AMAZING covers I can't decide.

Sigh the struggle is real, guys -,-

So there's the other one on the side --->

Gah. Adorable, right?

So let me now which one you like kay? Thanks!

Enjoy yhe story!! x)


Have you ever read some of your old journals or Facebook statuses and thought to yourself, "Man, that was a stupid thing to say. I can't believe I was like that." Well imagine saying that by looking back on your life. I'm not gonna shit you about it; but I used to be a jerk. No, screw it- I used to be way more than a jerk. I was..well... I'll let you decide that for yourself...

"Go Long Jesse!" Aiden shouted to me. Yeah. I'm the quarter back as stereotypical as that is. Later on you'll discover how coincidental that my name is transgender material. We were at football practice early, practicing before the practice. I know, over-achievers, much? But I'm pretty sure I was a bigger one then Aiden. Aiden was my best friend. We'd been friends since first grade. I caught the ball and cradled it to my chest just as the rest of the Lions came out to practice.

"Hey Cap, what time is practice over today?" Andrew asked.

You know that one kid in your group who nobody really likes, but you keep them around because you either feel sorry for them or because they have ONE thing that seems useful to you? Well, yeah. Andrew was that kid. No one really liked him, he got teased more often than not by the other guys, and I have to say that his appearance didn't do much to help that fact.

He was short for one thing; the kicker so that was expected. He had light brown hair that was cut in that Justin Beiber way (and it also didn't help that he flicked it a little too often), and he was just dorky. No offense. He had an overly cheesey smile, was a little too eager to please and way too easy to prank.

"It'll be over when I say it's over," I replied. The other guys oohed and chuckled, bumping him and shaking their fingers through his hair.

"Hey! C'mon, man quit it!" he practically squeaked after the fourth hand shook his head.

"What's the rush, Beiber? Got a six year old's b-day to attend?" Aaron held a pretend microphone and began mimicking in a high-pitched voice, "Baby, baby, baby, Oh!"

"Aaron; a compliment to the Beaver?" I asked sarcastically. (Beaver just so happens to unfortunately be his last name). If you think I'm a typical jock, I'd be unique compared to Aaron. He was probably the tallest guy on the team, and had light chocolate brown skin and was extremely muscular.

He never took any bullshit from anybody and was practically the school bully. When it came to keeping the team together, I had to step in for most of them telling him to back off.

"Nah man, I ain't complimentin' this shrimp nigga," he said with a laugh. "And man if you think being called the Beibs is a compliment than maybe you could be his Selena Gomez!" he chortled, earning a high-five from Ronny.

Ronny was Aaron's henchman. Like Aaron he was a bully for no reason, and though not as tall or buff, was equally as ignorant and rude. Unlike Aaron, he had short black hair and pale skin. He had with a deep dimple on his left cheek that he liked to casually show off for the girls. He was also the only one who agreed with what Aaron said at all times and followed behind him like Lafu follows Gaston in that one Disney movie...not that I would know...

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