Chapter 7: Temporary Distractions

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I couldn't get Anna out of my mind all day. I kept thinking about her hair, how soft her skin felt, and how beautiful her eyes had been. I found out later that we had the same math class but she of course ignored my very existence. Around lunch I tried to make my move again, but there were just so many damn distractions.

"Hey Jay," Carrie was one of them. She was cute, had light brown hair and light brown eyes with a shy smile and translucent skin. We had dated a while ago, like, two years ago, and I was her first or something like that. I don't know. I can't really keep track and it's not my responsibility to remember anyway.

I hear around that she still cries over me when I get a new girl because of all these so called promises I made to her. But that's not my fault either. "You say what you need to say to get what you wanna get." That was my rule. If the only way she'd sleep with you was to say that you're secretly a Knight in shining armor I'd take her on a date on a white horse. I say what they wanna hear to get what I wanna get. 

So anyway, Carrie was just a temporary distraction. She twirled a brown lock around her index finger as she talked to me. 

"Oh hiya Carrie," I answered still scanning the room for Anna. 

"So...." she started off shyly. She looked back at her table of friends before continuing and they all gave her nods and thumbs-up for encouragement, all before visibly cringing and glaring at me.

Except for her best friend Crystal. Who's cleavage, I might add was looking very appetizing in that tight-fitting low v-neck she was wearing. She saw me staring and I winked at her, getting a small little coy smile in return. Oh yeah. Me, those boobs, that shirt,were definitely gonna be on sometime...I just had to clear my what time did I say I'd meet Shenise tonight...? 

"Hello?? Jesse?" 

"What was that, babe?" I ask, my eyes leaving her friends breasts and resuming the search for Anna. 

"I said I had a great time...the other night...." 

"And what night was that, babe?" Still no sign of Anna. 

She looked a little confused, "you're joking, right?" She asked lightly, clearly thinking that I was. 

" babe not really. Look, there were a lot of fun nights I just need to know which one you're talking about," I amended quickly when it looked like she was about to cry. 

Her eyes dried up instantly and her confidence shot right back up. "Last week, silly. At Dave's party...?" 

Dave....Dave....right the base player who's trying to start his own band. Right, the house party... All I remember was there was a ton of tequila, lots of dark corners, and Aiden was most definitely the designated driver that night. "Yeah, yeah I remember," I half-fibbed. Well, I definitely remembered the tequila shots. 

"Well....?" She seemed expectant; hopeful even. I was getting irritated. Why did everyone seem to start expecting things from me so suddenly? 

"Well what?" I snapped in irritation. Where the hell was Anna? 

"Don't you have something to ask me?" She hinted though I had no idea at what. 

I sighed. "Honestly Carrie I do have something to ask you." 

She gasped, her dark lashed fluttered against her cheeks furiously. How did she move them so fast? "Yes......?" She asked waiting with expectancy again. 

I turned to face her, irked that she was disturbing my Anna search. "What the hell do you want from me, Carrie?" I snapped. 

Her neck shot back in confusion and still thinking I was joking, she brought it back to place cautiously and began to explain. "Last week at Dave's were basically having eye-sex with me all night. You even took me away and we made out in a corner and you said that you missed me and wanted to be with me again," her face flushed a little at a memory of us I definitely didn't share. "And then we went upstairs and you said that you would ask me out this week, I just needed to prove how much I loved you," she blushed again," and I did..." 

In Her ShoesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora