Chapter 27: Queen Bee vs Newbie

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We went into our classrooms that happened to be right next to each other. 

As I walked in all the jocks and Cheers in that class were sitting in the back getting ready to taunt Jessica Jane Sanders. When I stepped in the room, though I didn't look at them directly, I could almost hear the girls hiss in envy and wrinkle their noses. The guys, quite disturbingly I might add, were boring holes at my entire figure. 

In that classroom, Mr. Taylor had a lengthy window that was practically a wall on one side of the classroom, and he had put black paper behind it so his class wouldn't get distracted by things happening outside.

The black paper made the window practically a huge mirror, and while kids weren't distracted by outside, most of the girls and some overly vain guys were distracted by checking out their reflection ninety-nine percent of the time. 

It was in this mirror-window that I was finally able to see why my new look had caused such commotion around the school. I saw a girl with long red-brown hair that curved a little beneath her breasts, which thanks to my new girl friends, looked firm and perky thanks to the right bra.

She was wearing hipster glasses with black trim over the top and the bottom clear, (same prescription, but they said it went with the "look"). The black skinny jeans she wore hugged her thighs and hips nicely, showcasing curves that no one would've guessed were there had they seen a before picture of her. She looked like a hot hipster-skater chick who was ready to kick ass and take names. 

And that's exactly what I planned to do in class that day. 

"Nice Star Wars shirt, geek," Shenise shouted from the back of class. 

Everyone turned in their seats from the popular girl, to the "new girl" to see what was gonna happen. I turned to her and of course she was the center of all the jocks in the back, leaning back against one of the guys' desk and her feet propped on someone's seat. I faced her coolly, working the fake "hi-bitch, I'm-not-mad-tho" look girls were so infamous for that I had been practicing.  

"Thank-you. I like your cheer uniform." I then cocked my head to the side and looked her up and down with a sad and thoughtful expression."It's too bad they don't make them in a bigger size though." 


Her brows pinched together and her neck rolled to the side just like the snake she was. "What did you just say to me?" 

"Oh right I'm sorry you probably don't understand. Here let me try your language:" while continuously flipping my hair over my shoulders I smiled at her in the most air-headed way while speaking in a voice just as dense. "You should like,*hair flick* not wash your clothes with cold water cause like, *hair flick* it makes that uniform like, *hair flick* waaay more snug then its supposed to be 'cause like *hair flick* I don't think your belly's supposed to be squeezed out that much." 

The class roared with "Oohs" and laughter and Shenise, in her rage and embarrassment, kicked the chair her feet had been propped on and basically leapt across the room at me. I stood my ground, and lucky for the both of us, Mr. Taylor came into the room and stepped between us.  

"Problem Miss Richards?" 

"Yeah this bit"- 

"Language, Miss Richards you know I don't tolerate that kind of profanity in my classroom." 

"But she"- 

"But I didn't see her storming like a mad bull towards you. In fact she looked rather scared." 

I did my best cute, girly pout as he looked at me and I nodded my agreement. As he looked back at her I did too and my nose just so suddenly happened to itch, and I just had to scratch it....with my middle finger. The class erupted with "Ohhs" and more laughter. 

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