Chapter 25: Friends Aren't Lovers

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-Author's Note- 

Like this chapter? Any suggestions? Ideas? Inbox me and tell me what you think or what part you liked and I'll dedicate it to you :) 

Enjoy! Thanks for reading! :D 


-Pt. 1- 

Ok. So I was a little embarrassed. I couldn't make the tears stop. I was so relieved, and at the same time so hurt, that reason after reason kept causing the tear shedding to continue.

Ever patient Aiden still hugged me, and waited until I was done. Finally after about five minutes (embarrassing, I know) I pulled myself somewhat together and let go of him.  

"Sorry about your shirt, man," I said eyeing his soaked shoulder and cringing at myself. I was sure my tear ducts would be about dry by now. 

He chuckled. "A shirts a shirt man. Besides, its not like you have acid tears." We both chuckled weakly, but I refused to look at him. After a while he gently touched my knee, "what happened to you?" 

I sighed and wiped my eyes again. He handed me a tissue. "Thanks," I muttered. "Well, its a long story...ish....but before I make the mistake of telling actually believe it's me?" 

"Of course I know it's you. I've known Jesse for about twelve years and I could spot his personality from a mile away. I had my suspicions from the get-go." 

"But...Aid you don't believe in anything." 

He sighed. "I know. And trust me I was suspicious but it took a lot of convincing and 'coincidences' on your part for me to fully believe." 

"On my part?" 

He smiled at me and his dimples sunk deep into his cheeks. "I already told you, I know you. Oh, and uh, don't ever go under cover. 'Cause you blew yours a lot." 

Our chuckles were stronger now, and I was able to glance at his smiling face. "So...really, Jesse...what exactly happened to you...?" 

I sighed. This would definitely take a while. I explained to him what happened the day of our argument, how I ran into Ronny and Aaron. How I got beyond wasted and did some stupid shit I would regret for the rest of my life, all the way from the moment I thought I ran Samantha Stone over, to when she made me crash the car and I woke up a girl.

He listened in silence shaking his head at all the appropriate intervals and glaring when necessary. When I was finally done he sat in shock staring at the floor. 

"So she really is a witch, huh?" I nodded. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Wow. This is some movie shit...or some crap you read about in a fantasy book or something..." 

Ahh...sweet irony. 

" long are you gonna stay this way? I mean, is there anyway you could change back?" 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah and its the queerest thing ever." 

"What is it?" 

"I have to 'fall in love'" I said mockingly. "But that's so stupid. I am in love. With me." Aid threw me a glare so I rolled my eyes. "Ok, so that did sound pretty bad. But love? Seriously!? And she said that I need to 'go back to my past' or some shit and I don't even know what the hell she's talking about!" 

Aid looked a little bashful suddenly and looked down to the side. "Uh...maybe she meant for you to be the way you used to be..." 

"The way I used to be!? Aid that doesn't even make any sense! I haven't changed! I'm exactly the way I was years ago!" 

In Her ShoesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz