Chapter 35: Party Animals Gone a Little too Wild...

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The party- my party was only in a few days, and I guess time was flying by faster than I thought because the dance was soon after. I personally didn't see why everyone still wanted to go to a house party when a much bigger one was coming, but I guess it was the school's way of initiating their new queen Bee.

Weird, right?

Shenise hadn't been in school for a while and all of her cheer followers had been avoiding me or even almost literally bowing down to me. Since I had taken down their leader I guess they figured they didn't stand a chance either. But they didn't know how terribly guilty I still felt about it, and if any of them were brave enough to try to avenge Shenise's loss of dignity by fighting me I would just let them win.

Of course, they didn't know that. So they stayed the hell away.

Everything was seeming to go great....for Jessica. But I had stayed up watching the leaves fall off my tree. It was looking more and more unhealthy everyday, and some frost even began to appear. I even tried to water it, to see if I could cheat it back to health. But it was no use. Water had absolutely no effect on it. Maybe some magical water would, but of course there was no way I would find any of that.

Even though I was eager to change back, I was also sort of horrified. I, as Jesse, had a lot of skeletons in my closet, and a bunch of bones burried in my backyard. Me as Jessica, had a clean plate. She was loved by all, and was still able to rule the school. She was like the shoulder angel, where my old life, was the devil, and my wandering soul was stuck in-between.

I was trying to figure out if really was possible for me to find magical water when Aid came up to me.

"Hey man," he said in his usual over cheery attitude.

"Hey.." I mumbled, still trying to figure out my dilemma.

"Whatcya thinkin' about?"

"If there's a way I could reach into the bathroom mirror when the witch-bitch shows up so I could turn the sink on from her end and get some magical water so I could cheat that stupid tree back to health."

It was silent, so I glared up at him already expecting his reaction. He was staring down at me with one brow arched highly on his forehead and looking at me with pure concern. "Man, we gotta get you back, I think you're finally losing it."

"Aid, for the last time I've already lost it, and second of all, you're coming to my house today so you can finally see the tree for yourself!"

"Uh..sorry no can do," he said chuckling nervously in fear of my so-called insanity. "Besides even if I did want to see your 'imaginary tree' I cant. You're hosting a party tonight, remember?"

I slapped a palm to my forehead. "Omg! You're right! Gosh I totally forgot! What are you smiling at?" I snapped at him.

His smile broadened at me attitude. "Well, one: you just said 'omg', and two, you two, would forget your own party. You seriously would forget your head if it wasn't screwed too tightly to your neck."

"Okay first of all mom, that's not true and second of all I love parties! I just didn't plan this one! Your girlfriend did!"

He chuckled. "Right. Sorry 'bout that."

I shook my head at him. "Whatever. Damage's already been done."

"How'd you get your fake-parents to let you go anyway? Don't you have an even stricter curfew since you came home late?"

I shrugged. "Yea. But I told them Anna and I have a really big project due tomorrow that's gonna take a while, so I might as well spend the night.

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