Chapter 28: Reality Check

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"You did what!?" 

"To Who!?!?" 

"Man, why wasn't I able to record that!?" 

Anna, Jenni and Denise were all pleasantly shocked over what I told them had happened last period, and I was glad to tell them. "Yup," I said proudly popping the "p". "You guys should've seen her face, it was hil-a-ri-ous!" 

They all laughed but Jenni seemed concerned. "Jess...Shenise is a dangerous enemy to need to be careful." 

I scoffed and flicked my hair."Please, I'm not scared. Besides this is what this whole thing is about remember? We need to give them a taste of their own medicine."  

"I suppose you're right...that did sound pretty awesome," she said finally lighting up and giving me a high-five. 

Suddenly Shelley and Maria came running up to us. "Hey guys," Shelley gushed, "I just heard that Shenise is hosting a crazy ass house party this week!" 

Denise rolled her eyes. "So? Not like we'll be invited." 

"We don't need to be invited! We can have our own party!" We all looked at María and though we all tried not to, busted up laughing. 

"Don't get me wrong, María, I love parties," said Anna patting her hand, "but there's no point of us having a party. There's what, seven of us?" 

"Eight, including Tony," Jenni corrected eyeing Maria slyly.  

"But still, there's no point if we were to have one. I mean what would happen? The whole school would not go to Shenise's party because Jessica will be so much cooler and then we'd own the entire student body because no one will fear Shenise because Jessica will be the new Queen Bee? It's just impossible." 

I gasped. "Anna! You're a genius!" 


"No seriously! That's just it! I'll throw a party!" I was an excellent host! I threw parties all the time when I was a dude! 

"Uh, no offense Jess, but so you stood up to Shenise in class? That's not quite enough to taker her tiara away." 

I sulked. Jenni was right. "Don't worry girl," Denise said patting my hand. "We'll come up with something. We got time." 

I sighed. They had time. I had until the stupid tree dies. But like it or not, and I definitely did not like it, I had to wait. They were right. I wouldn't make it to the top spot that easily. Soon the lunch bell rang and we all headed off to our classes.  

I was surprised when Shelley pulled me aside from the group to talk to me. "So...did you really say all that to Shenise?" 

I frowned a little. "Uh...yeah. Everything that I said at the table actually happened. I'm not making this up, Shel"- 

"Oh I know and I'm not doubting you one bit.." 

"Oh. Well thanks. I better get to class now though," I hinted awkwardly. 

"Oh yeah. I can walk with you if you want." 

"Um... that's nice Shel but isn't your class like, on the other side of campus?" 

She smiled, "I think it'll be worth the tarty slip." 

"Uh...thanks, but... it's alright. I got it." 

She smiled again as she turned to leave. "You sure?".  

"Uh...yeah...thanks, though." 

"No prob." 

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