Chapter 11: New Introductions

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I was still waiting to wake up from this nightmare. By the looks of my totally old and garbage-worthy alarm clock it was 4:25 in the morning. 

There's no way I could sleep now, I kept muttering to myself as I paced the dull carpet back and forth. "Wait a minute! Maybe if I go back to sleep, I'll wake up officially this time, and realize I just had a nightmare of a nightmare!" Eagerly I hopped back in bed and yanked the foreign yellow comforter over my head. 

Eck. Yellow. I hate that color. It almost literally hurt my body and burned my nostrils to be under those icky covers that weren't mine, but knowing I'd wake up soon I was able to grin and bare it.

Ok...Just think about your real room...your own beautiful face.... Anna's ass...wait.. since I'm supposedly a chick now does that make me a lesbian? No, no, no don't worry about that 'cause you're not a're clearly a I'm a chick...does that mean I no longer have a-

I sat up. Trying to go back to sleep was hopeless at this point.  

I looked around this foreign room. The walls were yellow and there was even a patch in some parts of it. there was one window and barely enough space for me to walk four normal sized strides in it. Apparently whoever I was I was even too poor to buy a curtain, so a doofy looking Scooby Doo blanket hung in place by nails above the frame. 

This. Cannot. Be. Happening. 

My room was large. So large that it was basically two. Where my bed was it had light lavender drapery hanging from the headboard and had thick black frames that were designed with entwined and intricate flowers. That feminine touch was a result of my mom, who loved flowers a little too much for her own good.  

If you kept walking then you walked into the second part of my room which was the bathroom. The bathroom was also in two parts. It was tiled with polished marble and the walls were painted the lightest of sky blue. When you first entered you were greeted by a pearl white sink with gilded handles a gilded mirror. Keep going some more and there' the walk-in shower with its own personal steamer that would make even the fanciest spas envious. 

In through the other doorway was the king-sized tub, and that area was basically another bathroom in itself as well. 

On the other side of my room opposite my bed was the tiled area. there on the wall across my bed was a huge, wall inlaid flat screen TV that had cushions and love seats you could sit in like my own personalized movie theatre.

Against the other wall was my work area, where I had a long desk that folded in with the corner of the room. Against one wall was where I kept my Mac and other electronic equipment, and the side that bended with the corner had my drawing table. 

Soon I decided that remembering how glorious my real room was was definitely not gonna help me feel better about this one. It only had four walls for godsake! And the fact that you had to leave the bedroom to use the bathroom!? Pathetic!! I tossed and turned irritated with this body and climbed out of bed to look for the thermostat. Maybe I'll be able to sleep when it's cooler... I thought to myself. I switched it on and waited. 


So fucking perfect

Eventually because so much had happened that day I lay in bed clammy and exhausted on top of the covers, and felt my eyes slowly close and my mind slowly start to drift..... 


You cannot be serious...

I hopped out of bed and realized I had to use the bathroom. After sleepily dragging my feet the long walk out out my bedroom and into the bathroom irritably, I stood and fumbled with my ugly, ragged plaid Pajama pants to pee. 

In Her ShoesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя