Chapter 22: Moving On and Letting Go

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I was one of the first ones up in the morning, mostly because I'm used to waking up some time before eight. I yawned and looked around Anna's room. Denise had fallen asleep on Shelley's chest, Jenni was on a love a seat, María was on the floor and I had the bed to myself.

I yawned again and decided to go to the bathroom before it was full of girls. It was nice to have two seconds of peace and a break from all the girly things. After I brushed my teeth I went back in the room and looked around again. Someone was missing....Anna! 

Slightly confused and admittedly a little concerned I crept downstairs in the quiet house. In the kitchen I smelled the undeniable aroma of eggs, bacon, and toast. I couldn't really remember the last time I had a home cooked breakfast.

Chelsie did cook, but she was always gone early in the morning and when she wasn't I always skipped out. So I was surprised when Anna cooking breakfast didn't make me scream and run. 

Her hair hung down her back, the tight curls she had worn the day before had turned into soft and cascading waves, she was wearing an over-sized white t-shirt that she slept in, and it covered right everything right below her ass. Whether or not she was wearing something underneath was kind of hard to tell. 

She turned as she heard me enter and caught me staring of guard. "Morning sleepy." 

Morning Beautiful. 

I yawned a third time. "Good" 


"Yup. I know it's kinda silly and maybe too old-fashioned for a sleepover but, I'm used to having actual cooked food every morning." She said turning back to her eggs. 

I think it's fucking sexy. 

"I think it's fine." 

"Do you think the other girls will think it's weird? I don't do sleepovers often..." 

I rolled my eyes. "trust me, me either. And no, I think they'll be grateful." 

She turned to me as she took the eggs out of the skillet and on to a platter. "Yeah and thanks by the way..." 

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, "for what?" 

"That advice gave us all something to think about." 

I chuckled dryly, "no prob." 



"Jess can I ask you a question?" 

"Yes...." I was cautious now watching her nervous expression. She raised her hand to her mouth and began lightly nibbling on her pinky finger. 

Undoubtedly out-sexifying the other cute habit when girls bite their own lip. 

"Um....about last night....?" 


"Um...the advice you gave everyone....." 

I sighed. "Anna, you don't need to recap the whole night to me. I was there as you pointed out." 

She now closed her heart-shaped lips around her pinky finger and looked down to the side. I was concentrated on how sexy it looked I didn't gauge what her reaction meant. "Sorry," I said quickly, "I'm not really a morning person...I guess I'm being kind of a bitch." 

She removed her finger from her lips and looked back at me with a smile, "its okay. You know maybe I should just ask tomorrow." 

"No," I protested walking up to where she was, "if you have anything to say you might as well say it while your mouth is moving ahead of your brain." 

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