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"Aiden, hurry up!" My girlfriend said to me pulling my arm.

"Hold on babe, I need the most perfect strawberry," I said eyeing the options for lunch in front of me.

She rolled her eyes. "There's no such thing as perfect."

"Oh really?" I chided finally picking one and wiggling it in front of her nose. "Then what do you call this?"

She eyed me sarcastically and then chomped the tip of my perfect strawberry off and licked her lips. "Delicious," she said walking away to our friends.

I glared at her playfully but took a bite too, and it really was delicious. We all sat down on the grass outside, and by we that included Denise, Maria, Tony, Brian, Carrie Donte and of course, my best friend Jesse, and his girlfriend to be, Anna. Turns out Shelley ended up back stabbing a different group of friends, and she was their problem now.

I watched as Anna asked Jesse to smell one of the homemade cupcakes she made, and laughed when she pushed it in his face. After the whole weird experience that either was a dream or wasn't, Jesse was a completely different person. Well, to me, he was the Jesse he used to be. He was funny, kind, and didn't care what anyone thought of him, cool clique or not.

He was completely infatuated with Anna, and the whole school could read that on his face. She wasn't making it easy for him, and that was one thing I liked. He had gone up to her and introduced himself, properly this time, and Anna slowly began to let him in once she saw his intentions were pure.

This infuriated Shenise however, but Jesse had told her he wouldn't be giving her anymore rides unless it was back to hell. Turns out she had been hooking up with Aaron the whole time and doesn't even like Jesse. I'm told that the lovely couple is seen riding the bus often together. Adorable.

One of the most oddest things that happened after the experience was when Jesse told me he got an odd package in the mail. It was extremely heavy, and it didn't really say where it was from. I helped him carry it upstairs and when he opened it up it was a medium pot of dirt, and in a tiny zip lock baggie was a seed.

We exchanged slightly horrified glances, afraid that maybe it wasn't a dream after all, and maybe it wasn't over... but then I spotted a piece of paper at the bottom, and urged him to open it. With shaky hands he unfolded it, and we looked over at the old fashioned writing written on it. It read: 

Jesse James Anderson; 

Do not be afraid to touch the contents inside the box, they have no magic, nor will they hurt you. You have proven that you have a heart, and realized that you indeed needed to change. I am giving you a second chance, just don't make me come back. 

The seed in the bag is a fir tree, your druid symbol. Hopefully you can care for your life and those within as well as I hope you'll care for this tree, and with patience, strength, and kindness, you will benefit deeply from the fruit that shall bare. 


The letter confirmed to us that it wasn't all a dream, and we went out in his backyard to plant it.

As for Samantha herself, she moved on to a different school. I'm told that the captain of the hockey team at the Home of the Jackals is an even bigger jerk then Jesse was, which meant he must be pretty bad. I looked around at my crazy group of friends that had now broken out into a mini food fight, wondering if Samantha the witch would use her magic on him.

If he were as smart as Jesse, everything would turn out just right for him, and it would seem like heaven after such a hellish experience. I laughed as I flung some mashed potatoes on my spork at Jesse's already food covered face and decided that Jenni was wrong. Cause right now, at this moment, and this time in our lives, everything was extremely perfect.



This chapter was short & sweet and now it's over :) 

Once again I wanna thank everyone who supported the story and took time to read it. This is the first story I worked on straight through without giving up on it temporarily, so once again thanks for the encouragement. 

If you like this story check out my other ones and keep an eye out for my new project! I'll be posting a preview soon and if you like what you read give a big thanks to MXCommander for giving me the idea to work with.

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