[Chapter 1] My Life As Casidy Olson

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"My Life As Cassidy Olson"

Cassidy's P.O.V.

"Beep, beep, beep," loudly sounded the alarm clock waking me up for another miserable and lonely day at school. I moaned and groaned as I struggled to get out of bed. What was the point of going to school anymore? Which made me think about how I wasn't smart, I had no friends, and I was 100% sure no one knew I existed. My mom didn't count. Life at Priceville wasn't the best, but it could be worse after all not existing is better than being tortured and teased by "the populars". I see kids all the time being bullied by the populars in the hall, and I'm lucky I'm not one of them.

"Cassidy! Hurry up you're going to be late for school!" shouted my mother, Nora, interrupting me from my horrible remembrance of the pain I go through for so many hours a day.

"I'm coming mom, I'll be right down!" I shouted back.

I started grabbing my things, and kissed the photo of my dad and me at the park eating ice cream like we used to do every Sunday. Now, I bet your waiting for the story where my dad left us for another woman or how he couldn't stand my mom anymore right? Well, that's the exact opposite of my parents. My more than cared for each other, but loved each more than anything. But tragedy struck and things turned for the worse.

I missed him so much, more and more everyday. When I was 10, my dad died from stage 3 of lung cancer. Those truly were the toughest days of my life. Everyday after school me and my mother would go to see him at the hospital. But what my mother failed to tell me is that his condition was so awful, he was only gonna live for only 2 months, and all we could do is take him home and spend time with him as much as we could.

I cried myself to sleep almost every night without him tucking me in and kissing me goodnight. My dad and I had a special bond, it was more special than anything. He meant everything to me and now that he is gone, I can't help but think of what my mom must be going through. Sometimes I would hear her silently cry in her room while putting away my dads things. Once I confronted her about it, and she pretended like it was nothing, like she didn't know she was crying.

I was concerned about my mother but I decided to let it go and move on. I guess she didn't like talking about it, and I completely understand. Besides that, my mom and I got along very well, but then there were days that wasn't the best. I try not to be too difficult, but I do think she is still very sad about my father's passing. Everyday I could see that they were truly in love, it was impossible for them to be separated, and I would look up to them because I wish one day I could feel that tingly feeling that everyone talks about, but how can you possibly feel that when you're the loner at school?

Walking to the bus it was pretty much expected when the bus driver totally closed the door right in my face. Didn't I mention how invisible I was to everyone? I knocked on the glass doors and the driver threw apologies at me noticing that he completely closed the door in my face, opened it and apologized. I nodded and gave him a half smile as an acceptance to his apology.

I took my usual seat in the first row. I picked a two seater to sit my book bag in the seat, so that there was no way anyone one would sit next to me, not that anyone bothered to. The bus ride was like how the bus ride has always been. Loud, crazy, messy, and long. I can't wait until I get a car, after all it is my junior year. I'm not that far away.

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