[Chapter 19] Will You?

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Hey guise I'm temporarily back. My internet is going on and off so we have to fix that soon. Hopefully it wont be long. Fingers Crossed! Well enjoy!

Chapter 19: Will You?

Cassidy's P.O.V.

I dont know what time I woke up this morning but I smiled when I saw some good looking me right in the eye. It was my favorite meal for lunch, so did that mean it was in the afternoon already? I took the plate of my Carrot-Almond Pate sandwich which instantly made my mouth water. It looked so good filled with non salted almonds, large carrots pealed and cut into small rounds, salt, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, clove garlic, packed fresh cilantro leaves, lemon juice, ciabatta rolls halved, red pepper halves, and so much more delicious ingredients! I know its probably weird I remember all the ingredients, but me and my dad used to make this all the time and it was amazing. I took a giant bite into my sandwich and groaned in delight. Only one person knew how to make it almost as good as my dad did. Cameron. I lifted up the sandwich and surprisingly saw a note:

How did it turn out? I tried my best and hoped you liked it. It has been quiet a long time since I made on of those. Well, continue enjoy your sandwich and when your done take a nice shower, get pretty as you always do, and you'll find the next note next to thing that reminds you of the best times we had.

~Cammy :-)

I truly laughed at the name he signed on the bottom of this tiny little green index card. I flipped the card over to see the letter "H" written on the back. Hm? I wonder what that means. Well I can think about it in the shower. I got up and sighed at how much detail Cameron failed to give me about what to wear. Of course. Well hopefully this will do. I tossed my debating away my outfit away and hoped into the nice and peaceful shower I was longing for ever since I woke up. When I got out I my no longer golden blonde but dirty blonde colored hair. I almost kind of liked it this way a lot more. I put on my mascara, light peach eye shadow, eye liner, and peach lipstick. I walked out of the bathroom and took one last look at my outfit before putting it on. I checked the finally touches in my full length mirror. Hair looked pretty good for a girl who had a rough couple of days, makeup wasn't too much as I liked it, the top half of my dress white lace and the other half a peach skirt, a pearl bracelet and earrings to match that Mandy got me for my birthday, my leather tan purse I loved oh-so-much, and my tan open toed heels to match and top it off. I scrunched up my nose when I saw that my toes were in need of a pedicure. Maybe I'll stop by the salon later on.

I walked and reread the index card and thought. Where in this room did I have something that reminded me of one of our best times? I slowly walked around the room and examined everything. That's when I stopped and smiled at the most funniest picture of Cameron and I at our favorite park back in Michigan. Is this what he meant by best times? I picked up the frame and smiled at it having a mini flashback.

Mini Flashback;

"Ice cream or cake?" I randomly asked

"Ice cream," Cam replied licking his mint chocolate chip ice cream, "dog or cat?"

"Cat," I answered proudly and watched as Cameron scrunched up his nose, "what, dont like my answer?"

"Ewh, why cats?" Cameron looked at me disgusted.

"Why not cats?" I winked. I knew good and well Cameron hated when people answered questions with another questions, and that is why I got a glare in return.

"Green or Blue?" I changed the subject.

"Both duh," Cameron snorted.

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