[Chapter 7] A Year Later

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"A Year Later"

Cassidy's P.O.V.

"Hey Cass, can I join you?", Mandy bounced in with her brown curls, wearing her yellow and white polka dot bikini, making her way towards the lounge chairs next to me as I was tanning in the sun with my Ran Bans sun glasses in front of our in ground pool.

Mandy Wiseman was my step sister. Yup, you got it, Bob and my mother got married last and is as happy as can be. We live in a mansion off the hills in LA. Yeah I know right. My mom, and I finally moved out of that hell hole and started a new life in Los Angeles, and I couldn't be happier. I also attend this new school called Roseville High School, and from what I hear it's a hell of a school, so I'm pretty happy about that. But for now I want to enjoy my last week of summer and work on my tan. I never really questioned how my family was so rich, but Mandy tells me that Bob has one of the best jobs there is. Everything I've always wanted, I now got it. Basically I am extremely spoiled, but I'm nothing like those bitches you here about that cant even clean their room because they have their own maids. No, I am much different. Actually sometimes being me I randomly pick up things and put them where they belong. I know, I know we have a maid, but she could use some help with the mess Mandy and I make. Rondah is a very pretty middle age lady. She is so kind and generous, that I think we may be good friends. From the past year, me and Mandy got along very quickly, and quickly became sisters as if we were like this our whole lives and played the rules as 'what's mine is yours'. Even though she is 19 and I am only 18, we still have lots of fun together. We spent this summer, shopping, partying, going on trips, having sister time. Boy, was I missing out on the sibling life. Mandy was so pretty and such a great sister.

"Hey Mandy, of course you can," I happily answered patting the cream lounge chair next to me.

"So you ready for school Cass?", Mandy squealed, "I remember when I was a senior," She looked up to the clouds and sighed, "You have your blue Camaro, so I think you will fit right in," She winked at me before sitting down, and putting on her pink Ray Bans Identical to the light blue ones I had.

"Yeah I am, but I must admit I do miss my friends", I thought for a moment, "Or at least my only friend, but now we aren't friends so I guess the only thing that I miss is my house I grew up in."

Mandy shifted on her side, giving her attention to me, "Well what happened to your friend?,"

"Well," I sighed, "He moved," I simply said and I looked a Mandy who had a 'go on' look on her face, "He used to be the best friends who would tell each other everything and anything, but then how could you possibly do that when someone leaves and never comes back like they said they would?"

"You keep in contact duhh," Mandy said stating the obvious.

"That's exactly what I thought," I continued, "In the beginning that's what we did but as life went on he started getting busier, and texts became rare. Then one day he stopped texting. I thought what was the point of texting someone who didn't care to text back, so I just gave up and we lost contact," I shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal, but deep inside it was crushing me to talk about this. Cameron hurt me that day never texting me back, breaking his promise and replacing it with a black hole that almost turned me bitter.

"Awe Cass," Mandy got up and sat on my lap, cuddling with me making me laugh, but hug her back, "I'm sorry that happened you must of been so heart broken especially sine you love him," She finished making me push her gently off and sat up.

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