[Chapter 18] Forgiving Me

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Hey guise hope you like it, dont worry #Casmeron is still standing strong that's the name is decided to use :P Enjoy!!!

Chapter 18 Forgiving Me

Cassidy's P.O.V.

 I cant believe I'm saying this, but its surprisingly been like 4 months exactly since I last talked to Cameron. Things aren't really all that good between us. Pshh. Who am I kidding? Nothing has been good at all since our last fight. When I walked away he just left me alone and didn't bother talking to me. I dont know if I was happy or hurt, or both? I walked away angry for many reasons, one of them being that I knew Cameron was right. Since when did I give a shit about how people saw me? I went home disappointed in myself for going back to that state I promised myself where I would never go again. I hated the way I treated my friends and I knew I hurt them. Was I just like him? I yelled at them for no reason, had that stupid smirk on my face, and I knew they were just trying to help, so I went back to normal the next day. Hair still black, light makeup, and pretty outfit to top it off. I ditched Ally and her bitches and apologized to my real friends. At first, they were stubborn like me and ignored me, but then I spilled water on my favorite dress which made them bust out laughing and eventually talking to me. That was a shaky week for us, but now I'm happy it's just like old times. Well, not exactly. Cameron has been very distant and I cant help but now realize what he was doing! Cameron was giving me space.

He knew how confused I was when we kissed. I felt so much emotion, something told me that he would never purposely hurt me. Of course, my stubborn side reminded me of that horrible scene I saw. I still cringe at the memory of Cameron's hands on her hips *queue the chills*. After that day Penelope took the time to pull me aside and personally apologized for kissing Cameron. She "claimed" that she had no idea that we and Cameron had history. She also "claimed" that she had no more feelings for him and she kept trying to convince him that before he threw himself on her. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounded nothing like Cameron. I never thought he had to throw himself at girl, I just thought they came to him. So, as you can see, I have my suspicions. It's been a weird couple of months for all of us. Every time I'm with Carson and Lucy and Cameron walks by they always give me 'the look'. I roll my eyes at what is coming next because I know as soon as he is out of sight they start pouncing on me with questions, advice, and so many lectures. Is he really that innocent? I always go home and think, what if it was Penelope who kissed him and not Cameron? I knew I should of let him explain himself but of course as always I'm a stubborn girl, so its kind of too late for that. Does he hate me? Should I give him a chance to explain? I wonder if he still thinks about me?

"What?" Carson furrowed her eyebrows at me. Did I just say that out loud?

"Uh, nothing just thinking that's all," I fake smiled, avoiding their curious eyes, grabbing my lunch tray from the counter in the café.

"About?" Carson continued to push, while Lucy stayed silent and grabbed hers.

"Nothing important," I shrugged, starting to walk fast, but you would think it's kind of impossible with 4 inch heels

"Tell me," she demanded and I to Lucy for help.

"Luce help me out here," I said with pleading eyes, and she just shrugged her shoulders saying nothing, "wow, such great friends I-" my sentence was cut off when I smacked straight into a muscular chest, saving all my food but my favorite green apple. Great.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I knew I should of been looking-," my babbling stopped when I looked up and my eyes met with familiar, piercing grey eyes, "where I was going," I slowly finished, standing back up from picking up my apple and tray.

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