[Chapter 25] He's Back

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Are you excited or is it just me? It's off hold! Omg that only means 2 more chapters left! So enjoy!

Chapter 25 He's Back

Cameron's P.O.V.

"Hello? Cameron?" I large hand waved in front of my face.

"Huh, what?"

James sighed, "Look, I know you're worried about her, but just chill. She's safe and who would dare to try something on her while your watching her every move. I know you've heard about Catelynn's appearance, but have you really seen her? She may have left the moment Cass saw her."

James was right, he always was. I told James everything that's been happening to Cassidy. I couldn't keep things like this in for so long and James was the person I could always vent out to, so for awhile when I would get stressed over things like this, he would always be the one to help. But right now he was completely right. I'm worried over nothing, and I know Cass could stand up for herself if she wanted to.

But would she all come crashing down the moment she saw him?

I shook my head from those awful thoughts, "Yeah, I'm sorry James you're right, but is it such a bad thing I'm-"

My sentence was cut short as I felt my phone vibrate vigorously in my pocket. My fingers dug into the material and scrambled through the area trying to catch the feel of the vibrating object. I smiled successfully when I pulled out my phone, but frowned when I saw the caller ID. Babe <3

I still remember the day she took my phone and switched it. We were having a lovely picnic and she playfully switched her contract name when I first called her babe.

"Hello?" I answered confused. Why is she calling me?

I didn't get a response though, I was met with a full moment silence. What's going on?

"I told you I would always find you," a not-so-Cassidy voice trailed on. Who is that?

"Babe? You there? What's going on?" I needed answers and quick, and right now Mute Cassidy wasn't helping.

"Andrew," she breathed into the phone and I felt myself froze.

Oh no. My body was stunned and I found myself unable to move. What the hell is he doing here? I had to get to her before something else happens.

"That's right precious, come here," he darkly chucked follwer's by am ear piercing scream.

"No!" I yelled as the line clicked dead.

I hopped out of my seat in a rush to get to her, but where was she? I pushed my way through the dancing crowd and moved towards the door. Suddenly, a figure was standing in my view and I was in no place to talk to her right now.

"Leaving so soon? I thought this was pretty nice if I do say so myself," she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Move," I spoke though gritted teeth.

"I would, but I can't. You see, I can't let you leave," she stepped closet towards me.

"Says who?" my fists clenched at my sides.

"I do," the witch herself appeared at my side.

"What the hell have you done with her?" I gripped Catelynn's upper arm tightly in my grasp.

"Me? I did nothing," she struggled to pull away from me, "Except keep you here long enough to let them escape."

Mr eyes widened, they had been trying to keep me from going after them and they succeeded. I sighed my way past them while calling out for Cassidy's name. I dragged myself through the halls, weakened. I've found her crushed phone, broken on the cream tiled floor. I dropped to my knees and cradled the last piece of her I had. I knew it was no use, she was already gone.

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