Chapter Nine: Colby

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Six Months Later

Jet lag is a bitch, whoever said a nap would fix it is a liar, I'd personally punch them in their face then tell them to take a nap to see if it fixes that. Even though I'm tired I won't complain, I have jet lag from flying from Germany to Florida with Chloe to see her family for three and then flying from Florida to Germany. Though I received a bit of a cold shoulder when we arrived I made it my mission to win them over before I left which I accomplished. Without Le, Jon or Josh there might I add. "You're not listening to me are you?" Chloe's voice brings me from my thoughts, when I turn to face her I realize she's moved from the chair to the bed next to me. "Of course I was listening to you, Love." I kiss her forehead and wink at her. "Uhuh, so what did I say?" She knows me well but I'm not letting her know that. "You said you wanna dye your hair to look like mine. I'm all for it, I'm sure Kait would be to." "In your dreams, two tones," she laughs crawling in my lap, "But I asked you what do you think of going for a swim." I rub my hands up and down her thighs staring up at her trying not to laugh at her pouting. "Right now? At one in the morning" "Yes, Colby, right now. Of you don't want to go its okay though." She starts playing around with her locket, something she always does when she tries to get me to give in. It works only because I already had plans of giving in. "Put your swimsuit on and lets go, Chlo." She squeals and hops off the bed taking off my t-shirt she had been wearing revealing her swim suit, someone thinks they're slick but I like it. After I put my phone on the dresser, I get off the bed and grab her hand leading her to the door. "You don't have your trunks on, Colb," she reminds me as we wait for the elevator. "I'm pretty sure we'll be the only ones out there, my basketball shorts will do just fine."

"Get in here, now, Chlo!" After realizing the water a lot cooler out here at night, Chloe refused to get in the water. She just loves being difficult. "You got me out of my comfy spot and shirtless in this cold pool water, you better at least stick your feet in." "Okay, okay," she coos sitting at the edge of the pool. She always falls for it. "Is this better?" Swimming over to her I plant my hands on the edge standing between her legs which she locks around me. "Very much so." She grabs my face as she lowers her lips onto mine. This is a nice kiss but I've got to get her into this water; slowly I lift her off the edge and walk backwards with the water thrashing around us. She pulls away and rests her head against my forehead, still oblivious that's she's in the middle of the pool. I whisper, "Close your eyes." She does thinking I'm gonna kiss her instead I pull her underwater with me. Laughing, I swim away to the edge knowing she's gonna try and hit me once she surfaces. Her giggles tell me she coming up behind me, I turn as she's swimming the last few inches to me. We both move our hair from our foreheads breathing heavily. "I told you that's you were getting in here, Love. I get what I want." "So now that you've got me in here what else do you want?" Chloe wraps her arms around my neck pulling herself closer to me, I turn us slowly np until her back is to the wall of the pool. "Something that I haven't been able to have in oh about a week and a half." "Why, Mr. Lopez, are you trying to seduce me?" "That depends," I whisper to her. She wraps her legs around me squeezing our bodies together; her breathing is shallow I'm sure matching mine. "On what?" "If you're not afraid that someone might hear." Her lips are on mine in an instant, as our kiss deepens I reach behind her do undo the string of her top tossing outside of the pool. She giggles softly as my lips move from hers to her neck and I nuzzle there a little. "Don't think the others would like their sleep interrupted," she whispers between moans. "At this point do you care, Love?" As I'm reaching to untie her bottoms I hear the potter patter of feet but as soon as I look in the direction of the noise it stops. It's dark besides the lights in the pool so I'm squinting to see. "What's wrong," Chloe asks kissing my neck. "I heard something I think someone's out here." "There's no one out here," she pauses to turn my head back to her, "Except you and me. Now do me before I turn into a Popsicle." "Yes ma'am." Though I'm still bothered by the sound of feet I go back to Chloe and hope it was in my head. I joked about people watching us but I don't want anyone seeing Chloe as vulnerable as this. I just might kill them.


As I'm talking with a medic about my knee Jon(Dean) grabs my arm pulling me towards a hallway tossing an apology over his shoulder. He looks around, I guess looking to see of we're alone then takes a step closer to me. Throwing my hands up I push him back a little laughing. "Whoa, we're close but we're not THAT close, dude." "If you knew what I knew you wouldn't be laughing right now." Something must be wrong Jon is never this serious unless were on screen. "What's got you so serious?" "Have you not checked your phone at all today?" "No," I answer truthfully. After I had breakfast with Chloe this morning I went to the gym, a photo shoot and a couple of meetings so I hadn't had time or thought about it enough to check my phone. I go to reach not my pocket but he smacks my arm. "You better let me tell you, looking now will only piss you off more." I suck my teeth and look him in the eye, "Just tell me." "You have a bunch of pissed off Samoans on your hands, Lopez. Someone sent a picture of you and Chloe to the media and its everywhere." "What's so bad about a picture getting leaked, Jon? Chlo posts three or four pics up daily." I chuckle a little not understanding the big deal. He pulls his phone out and scrolls a bit before handing it to me. I'm sure my eyes are a fraction away from popping out of their sockets. "What the hell?" "Exactly, my friend. Le is the only one who isn't pissed off at you; he's trying to keep Chloe from finding out. She's gonna flip." Leaning against the wall behind me I stare at the picture, while you can't see her actual body parts its pretty clear what we're doing. My mind went back to the noise I heard, I knew I should've just taken her back up to the room. "And I don't mean to make this any worse than it already is but Le says Chloe's dad, his dad and Jon and Josh's dad are coming." "Shit."

Ignoring the jokes from the other guys walking past me I know I loudly on Chloe's locker room door. She answers with a smile then pulls me into a hug. I step inside looking straight at Le and nod letting him know that I know. He nods back and gets up to head out. Leaning down he kisses the top of her head then pats my shoulder. "I'll stall my family when they get here. It'll probably be after our match," he whispers quickly while Chloe is searching her bag. The door closes loudly behind me making me jump a little because I'd zoned out just that fast. "Did you come to help me stretch, Sweets?" "Maybe in a second. We need to talk," I say quickly. Her head snaps up rom her bag, she's staring hard I can tell she's confused. I hold out my hand to her bringing her over to the sofa, we need to be sitting down for this. "Is everything okay?" I know what she's trying to ask. "With us, yes. In general, no." Visibly she relaxes a bit, I hope she didn't think I was about to break up with her. "Okay, well what's wrong?" "Where's your phone?" "Le has to get me a new one when we get to Houston tomorrow," she giggles, "He's so clumsy he dropped it when we were play fighting. I should've called you from his phone." "So, you haven't been texting or anything? Not even on your iPad?" "Nope and nope. I've been busy spending time with Le. Why are you asking me all of this?" I sigh, I better get this over with and brace myself for the results. "Last night when we were in the pool and I thought I heard something?" Chloe blushes playing with my fingers, "Yes, how could I forget?" "Turns out somebody was out there and they sent a picture of us out." "What do you mean, Colby? Who and what picture?" The smile she had a few seconds ago is now replaced by a frown, she's pissed and I'm pretty sure she's gonna punch me. 1....2.....3. I wince, damn she hits hard. She holds her hand out, reaching into my pocket I pull my phone out and hand it to her. Silence plays through the room while she scrolls through the numerous notifications and texts I'm sure I have. "I can't," she whispers sinking into the sofa dropping my phone between us. "I'm sure this will blow over in a couple of days when they find some new gossip," I try to assure her grabbing her hand in mine. "Colby, I saw the text my dad sent you. They're coming. I don't care about what outsiders says, it's them. They just got comfortable with us, this is gonna ruin it." "We're both consenting adults, Chlo. We've been together for almost two years, us having sex was inevitable." "I mean yeah but they won't understand that especially because of this picture. Who would do this?" "Don't know but I plan on finding out. Don't worry, Love no matter what I'm behind you, us." She moves to my lap snuggling up to me I wanted to enjoy this but all I can do is worry how this is gonna affect our relationship. I need to know who did this, hopefully Jon and Le can help me out with that.

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