Chapter Eleven: Colby/Chloe

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"I didn't think you'd actually take me up on my offer for dinner. I'm glad you did though," Eva smiles brightly. She's actually not as bad as you would think, her conversation skills are a little shotty but I can work with her. It actually helps that she doesn't look half bad in a dress. "Yeah, I figured it couldn't hurt." "So what about Chloe? I thought you were so in love with each other," she asks cutting into her chicken breast. "We decided that it was too much of a hassle trying to be together with her dad and uncles switching their opinions back and forth. It caused so many arguments and what not so we separated." "Awe, that's so sad, Colby. If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you," she caresses my arm softly, "Enough about that sad stuff on to something a little more happier." "And what would that be?" "Us." I smirk at her raising my eyebrow, "Us, huh? What about us?" "Well, not to throw shade or anything but I don't have an overbearing family or anything so we wouldn't have any problems together. That is if you're ready for another one." "You're very bold especially for the first date," I tell her laughing. She laughs with me as he reaches across the table touching my arm once more. "If I see something I like I do what I need to do to get it." "So, I guess you see something you like, huh?" She opens her mouth to speak but she stops staring at something behind Turning around I see that Jon, Joe and Chloe are walking in our direction with the maitre'd; I can't help but stare at her, she's still as beautiful as ever but she doesn't look as happy as she use to. Shaking my head, I turn back to Eva, we stare awkwardly at each other.

"What's up, Lopez?" Jon stands over our table smiling. "Nothing, man. Just having dinner with Eva. What are you guys doing here?" He looks two tables over where Joe and Chloe have been seated then back at me. "We wanted to get Chloe out of the room. The girls tried but she wouldn't budge so Joe and I kinda kidnapped her." Eva clears her throat, probably because Jon hasn't acknowledged her yet. Rolling his eyes a little he looks over at her with the same smile. "Sorry. Hello, Eva. You look decent." "Right back at you, Jon. but if you'd excuse us we'd like to continue our date," she says rudely. e holds is hands up backing away from the table, "Sorry, I'll leave. See you at the room, Lopez." "I doubt it," Eva mumbles thinking I didn't hear her. "What were you saying again?" Her smile returns, "I was saying I do anything to get what I want if I want it that bad." "Yeah, you're a quite persistent little thing," I joke making her laugh loudly. Though I'm not sure if it was actually that funny or if she's doing it purposely. Either way I don't care, I need to get my mind off of Chloe and onto other things anyway.


Why did Joe and Jon have to bring me here? It's already hard enough that I have to work with him almost every single day, especially since we're in a storyline together. "We can leave if you want, Chlo. If you don't think you can do this," Joe quickly says. I guess me bouncing my leg is a dead giveaway that I'm not exactly thrilled to be here but I've got to do this. "It's alright, Joe. I got this, I can do it." "You sure? Cause the death grip you've got on that knife says something different," Jon jokes nodding at my hand. We all laugh but I don't let go of the knife just loosen my grip. "Did you talk to Paul, Jon?" He nods smiling deviously. I raise my brow laughing harder, "Do I even want to know?" "Nope." Joe's phone starts vibrating on the table an he gets up to answer it. "It's Josh. I'll be right back." He walks away towards the restrooms as he puts the phone to his ear leaving me and Jon. "Have you talked to Stephanie?" "Yep," I smile proudly, "She assured me that everything would work out. She gave great advice." "Good. Are you even a little uncomfortable?" "I mean of course I am, Jon. Colby is the love of my life." "Don't you mean he was the love of your life?" My head snaps up at the sound of the voice. Eva is standing next to our table smiling down at me. "No, I said what I meant. Colby is and always will be the love of my life nothing can change that. We're broken up but he'll always have a place in my heart." "Yeah, well after I'm done the place in his heart that you use to occupy will be mine and so will he. It's only a matter of time." The grip I have on the knife gets tighter, I didn't think it could get any tighter. I rise from my seat staring her in her eyes, my mind thinking of the things I could do to her before she would have a chance to react. My heartaches from how bad I want to gut her like the trout she is. "Get away from me before you regret it, Eva. I don't want to make a scene." "Make a scene, go ahead. It's what you're good at. If you even touch me I will have you suspened indefinitely," she looks down her nose at me glaring. I laugh bitterly, wanting to plunge this knife into her chest badly. "Maybe you didn't get enough the last time we talked. Let me teach you another thing about me, Little Eva. You disrespect me you will live to regret it. You thought your career and life were hell when you got caught in a lie with Stephanie, did you? Well, that's nothing compared to the hell storm I can bring down on you if you disrespect me again. After you get out of the hospital that is." She rolls her eyes so hard I think they just might fall out. Hm, maybe I can pluck them. I laugh a little on the inside thinking of how funny that could be. Okay, I definitely need to stop hanging around Randy, his sadistic thoughts are rubbing off on me. "You're just a little jealous that Colby has moved onto better things." Dropping the knife, I grab a pitcher of water from a waiter's tray as he passes by us and trow it on her. She squeals; from the corner of my eye I see Jon rise from the table and Colby run over to us. "Oops. Sorry, you looked a little thirsty. Hope that isn't a rinse cause it's going to ruin that beautiful white dress." Her face is priceless, she looks like a wet seal and my observation was right it is a rinse. The color starts to bleed into her dress, ruining it.

"Bitch!" She pushes my shoulders roughly. After I regain my balance I lunge towards her but Colby and Jon have already stepped between us an Joe has his arm wrapped around my waist hoisting me up. "Calm down, Love." Wiggling out of Joe's grasp, I push Colby away from me sending him into Eva whose still whining about her hair and dress. "Don't you dare call me that. Do not touch me. Just stay the hell away from me, Colby!" He moves towards me reaching out but I hold my hands up moving away from them all. "I said don't, Colby." I storm out of the restaurant not sure whether I'm angry or just irritated with this either way I need for all this to just go away. I walk until I reach the car waiting for Joe and Jon. They finally come a few minutes later. "If looks could kill Eva would be in the morgue right now," Jon jokes as we get in the car.

The whole way to hotel Jon and Joe are having a full blown conversation about what happened at the restaurant. I have to admit that my anger hasn't been that bad in a while, I can usually control it but Eva just blew through it. I hate that I let her have that kind of control over me. "Are you okay back there?" Joe glances at through the rearview mirror. "I'm decent. Don't worry about me." "You sure? You look a little bothered." "Just exhausted and thinking about Nikki is gonna harass me about this. " Jon turns in the passenger seat smiling, "Who knew hair dye would run like that! I mean come on, she looked like a clown left out in the rain." Shaking my head I laugh at Jon and Joe's jokes, they don't hide the fact that they don't like Eva. I'm sure even Eva knows it she just chooses to ignore it. Speaking of Eva, I need to call JoJo before Nikki comes back to the room.

I send her a text telling her to make sure she isn't busy in ten minutes so we could talk to which she replies quickly with a smiley face. Then I scroll through my texts checking messages I'd gotten during the altercation.


5am workout is a go! Bring the little firecracker! Nattie's coming, too!

I laugh at her reference to JoJo as I reply a simple okay. She's been calling JoJo that for about three days now ever since JoJo bit Justin's head off when he tried to take her on another date. I don't blame her, he just told her she was too young a few weeks ago and now he wants to take her out. He needs to get his life together.


Love you, ChloBo

I send him a heart. Saying it back would be a little rough right now. I can't help but slightly blame him for Colby and I breaking up. He's been trying to talk to me but my heart hasn't been in it.


I meant to tell you earlier but you looked really nice at the signing today. Your smile is beautifully amazing.

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