Chapter 2 Times Will Tell

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When Marionette realized what she had to do she devised a plan! The only problem is that Alya has to know as well. Marionette's plan is to tell Alya that night when they did study group. Then she would make Alya promise not to tell anyone or Marionette will have to find a way to erase Alya's memory which she does not want to do. After school was over Alya and Marionette walked to Marionette's house. " Alya there is something I have to tell you, but you have to promise with all your heart and friendship that you will not tell a soul or I will ha r to find a way to wares your memory. Got it?" " Yeah girl you have my word by a soul will know." " Okay don't freak out but I am ladybug." " Girl don't mess around with me. Unless you have proof that you are ladybug I'm not gonna believe you." " Would you like to see me transform?" " If only you could. " " Okay! Tiki spots on!" Marionette goes from herself to ladybug like that. Alya's eyes are wide open in shock! Alya promised not to tell a soul about it. " Alya I have to tell Adrian. He likes Ladybug and because of it she had to meet with him. I want to tell him though. You cannot tell him a thing. Got it!" " Understood "

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