Chapter 12 Something's Wrong

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"Hi Adrian. I was just heading to the hospital. " "Oh want me to walk with you?" "Sure. " The two of them walked to the hospital together. Then when they were almost there marionette collapsed to the ground. Her leg started to swell and Adrian picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. When they got to the emergency room Marionette's leg was worse. The doctors took X-rays and there was an Akuma inside her leg. When Adrian found that out the doctors put her leg back together and saved her. Then Adrian took her home and found a way to take the Akuma out of her leg. Then she turned into ladybug and devilized the Akuma before it could do any damage. Then she went back to being Marionette. Then she found her X-Ray kit that her mom got her thinking she would be a doctor when she was little. She held up the X-Ray to Adrian and found an Akuma in him. The only problem is that it was in his brain and she can't get it out. "Adrian you have an Akuma in your brain." "I know about that. It keeps fluttering in my head. I'm wait Ong for me to sneeze so it can come out of my nose and you can devilize it. " "Right! Adrian I don't feel so hot. " "Lay down on your bed it might make you feel better. " When marionette laid down Adrian laid right down next to her. He decided to sing her a lullaby u till she fell asleep. His voice was so quiet and soothing that she fell asleep immediately. Adrian got up and decided to stay until she woke up. Then her parents came home and told Adrian to leave. When he left he turned into Cat Noir to go on night patrol. When Marionette's parents woke her up she realized she had night patrol. Her leg was no longer broken thanks to the Akuma being set free. Her parents left and she transformed into ladybug. "Tiki spots on. " She transformed and caught up with Cat Noir onto the Eiffle Tower. "Glad you can join me malady." He slowly leaned in and came close to kissing her but he didn't. Then he went in for the kiss. The two of the sat there hugging each other and kissing at the same time. They made out for about five minutes before Cat Noir and ladybug finally released. They staged at each other for a while then a pigeon came up to them. "Remember when there was a human pigeon and you said that you were allergic to feathers?" "Yeah I still am. " When the pigeon left it left a feather behind. Ladybug picked it up and tickled his nose with it and he sneezed the Akuma right out. Ladybug devilized the Akuma and let it go. "Thanks for getting that Akuma out of my brain." "Your welcome. Gotta run my parents would be worried if I wasn't home. " "Okay see yah!" The two of them went their separate ways and Adrian ended up going to bed and having a nightmare.

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