Chapter 6 The Truth is Out

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Marionette went to school and hung out with Alya all day. That evening though marionette came home to her father being gone. She looked outside and saw that he was covering people in dough. She immediately went up to her room and transformed. When she finally found what her dad was after it turned out to be a customer who didn't pay. He took the money from the dude and covered him in dough. "Stop your madness baker. These people are innocent." The baker replied with," If they are innocent then they all need to pay!" "Hello malady. Looks we got ourself in a doughy situation. " "this is not time for jokes cat. The baker is going to cover everyone including Marionette's family into dough. Thats her father over there." "Maybe I could go and protect her?" "Good idea but I wouldn't bother her if I were u. She has a lot of things on her plate today." "So what do we do about the baker?" "He's afraid of heights and his Akuma is in the rolling pin. We need to take him somewhere high up." "How about on a rooftop?" "Great idea. Over here baker." Then out of nowhere the baker covered both cat noir and lady bug in dough. He told them that he would be up to finish them off soon. "Cat use your cataclysm. It can get us out of this situation." Cat Noir got his cataclysm and he touched the dough and freed the two of them. Then they found the baker again. Lady bug used her lucky charm while cat noir distracted the baker. Then ladybug had a plan and used her plan. She stopped the baker and devilized the Akuma. When they were about to transform back lady bug pulled Cat Noir aside. "Aren't you gonna run away?" "No. I think it is time for the truth to come out." Then both Cat Noir and Ladybug turn into Marionette and Adrian. Adrian and Marionette looked at each other with shocked faces. That was only the beginning of a new friendship and relationship.

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