Chapter 8 The Dance

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There is four hours until the dance. Everyone is getting ready for this amazing evening. Marionette went home early to get a shower and to get her hair done for the dance. That took three hours because she wanted her hair to be perfect. Then she put on her dress which was a red and black striped dress. The shoes were black and the handbag she bought was red. It looked fantastic on her. When she got to school for the dance she was early so she volunteered to help set the rest of the decorations. Then at 8:00 P.M. everyone started to file into the school. Alya came in with a bright blue dress that brought out her eyes. Then Adrian came in wearing an all black tux. It looked amazing on him. Marionette walked over to Adrian. "Hey you look nice!" " Thanks you look beautiful. You remind me of ladybug." "You remind me of cat noir." The two of them danced and hung out with their friends. They were having a lot of fun. Then came the first slow dance of the evening. "Wanna dance malady?" "Of course I do. " Adrian and marionette did the perfect slow dance. When she was around Adrian she didn't feel very clumsy any more. They danced their first slow dance and when it was over Adrian slowly leaned in. The closer they got the better they felt on the inside. Then the two of them locked lips and held it there for a minute or two before releasing. Everyone looked at them in shock and the two of them blushed. When the dance was over Adrian and marionette kissed and hugged goodbye and went their separate days. Marionette went home and told her mom and dad about her first kiss and how it was with Adrian. Then when marionette went to bed that night something seemed to be missing. IT WAS TIKI!

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