afterdawn (a twilight fan fic)

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  • Dedicated to Stephenie Meyer


  I wake up with that same dream again.In the dream there are these red cloaks with fire comeing after me. I start to run and out of no where my mother comes to the rescue while hovering over me  and they both pounce with their fangs out and are ready to kill.Then the dream is over.  "Renesme you're going to be late for school!"my mother called.  "just a second mother!"I called.I quickly got dressed and put on my cute fuzzy boots with a long sleeve sweater top and my rain jacket.I come to the kitchen and quickly made breakfast and gobbled it all up.  "dear you should not eat like that it is not lady like"my mother complained.  "Bella,she is trying not to be late for school"my dad said.I thanked my father and kissed both of them good bye.I stepped out of our beautiful cottage in the forest and found Jacob waiting outside on his motorcycle to drop me off to school.Today is a cold,rainy day in Forks as always. "hello beautiful."Jacob greeted me and gave me a nice kiss on the cheek. "why aren't you wearing a jacket it is freezing out here?"I asked.He didn't answer.I saw him looking at something intently and followed his direction. I spotted my dad spying at the window.I rolled my eyes and said "sometimes its like my dad knows everything or he has some super power were he reads your mind."I joked.I thought it would lighten the mood,but it seemed to make the both of them nervous.It was like my dad could hear our conversation. "don't be silly!"I said to myself.And we drove to school in a rush.

AFTER DAWN (EXTREMELY CHEESY!!! & NEEDS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now