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  • इन्हें समर्पित: kiyamonie


  The guy was sitting on a throne. He had many others sitting by his side but he looked the most superior. I catched the eyes of Autumn. I turned away nervously. There was someone in front of me so I decided to wait patiently behind. "What brings you here?" the man said at his throne. I recognized him. I recognized them all. He was the leader of the pack that came to my house and demanded to take me. "This man was so close to revealing vampires. We catched him just in time." the other guy answered. He was holding the man by the arm with another guy by his side holding on to his other arm. He looked like a vampire. They all did. "Hmmm...step forward." he commanded. The man did as told. The vampire in the throne reached over and touched his hand. He looked off and stared into space as if he was transferred to a whole other world. "I see." He let go and stood up. I was dumbfounded. What just happened? How could he know just like that? Then I realized that his power must have been to read minds only by touch. I wondered if I had a gift. Aro stood up. They pushed the prisoner down to his knees. "No please! I beg of you! Do not do this! I'll do anything!" The prisoners voice got louder every time Aro took a closer step towards him. His yelling was cut short. I shut my eyes and heard an ear splitting crack. When I opened it, his head was on the floor. I stared bewildered. Autumn came up with a torch and set his head on fire with the rest of his body. It burned to ashes. The two vampires left. On their way out, one of them gave me a look and smirked at the frightened look on my face then continued. "Come forward!" Aro bellowed. I walked up to the isle. My grip tightened with the message in hand. I remembered to keep my head low and have my hair cover my face just like Jake told me to. "And what brings you here?" Aro asked. "A message." I answered. I reached out for him to take. He snatched it with his cold hands. He opened it up and began to read. "I'll be going now." I said. "Stop." he called. I began to run and something stopped me. I did not know what it was. I was just stuck. All around me was black.  "Thank you Alec" I heard him say. I was slowly turned around by one of the guards and I could finally feel my body, senses, and mind again. "How do you know about this?" he asked. I looked down and did not answer. "Who are you?" I knew I had to answer. Aro got up and reached his hand out. He was about to read my mind! I couldn't let this happen. I began to kick and scream as Aro got closer and closer. "Jacob! Help!"


Now I'm guessing some may be confused about what in the world just happened. Alec, one of the members of the Volturi and the  twin brother of Jane, has the power to paralyze someone and not making them feel a thing. Therefore making them an easy target.

AFTER DAWN (EXTREMELY CHEESY!!! & NEEDS EDITING!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें