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  We arrived deep in the woods and stopped at Jakes house. I waited for them to put on their clothes in the kitchen with Billy. "So, now you know." Billy said. "Yeah. I was sort of upset, but now I understand what everyone was doing for me. And now their gone." "We'll try to get them back Renesme. I promise." "Yeah, but you and Forks can die trying. Including my family. I should just end it all and turn myself in." "It's not that easy. Even if you did kill yourself." I looked at him confusingly. I was in deep thought about what he said. All of this was so confusing. What does he mean by that? I wasn't even sure how things worked in this world anymore. Everything is upside down. "You must have many questions to ask." I nodded. "Well it all started way back......."

  "Way back before you were even born, it all started with only the pack and the Cullen family. We were both enemies. There was a law that vampires were not to cross our border or else bad things would happen.-"

I interrupted Billy "Wait, enemies? Why?"

"Be patient my dear. This will answer all your questions. Now it was like that for a log time until your mother came to town. Everything changed. Your parents met in highschool and fell in love. Jacob and your mother were best friends at the time."

"I'm confused. If he was there back then then how old is he?"

"Like vampires, werewolves have a wide living range. Eventually Jacob and your mother both fell in love. The love your mother and father had for each other was very dangerous. She was put in so much danger and especially by the Volturi. Years passed and your mother was turned into a vampire by your father after you were born. You were a very special baby. But you were also very powerful. Full vampire children were forbidden for such a long time. But you were still half human. The Volturi wanted you dead. And I'm sorry to say this but....... while your mother was pregnant we wanted the both of you dead."

A huge lump formed in my throat. "So..... what about Jake?"

"Jake was heart broken. That was until you came along and everything changed. He imprinted on you."

  Jake came in along with the rest of the pack before Billy could finish his story. We all greeted each other like brother and sister. Me and the pack are pretty close. Everybody was happy and fooling around for a while. But Jacob didn't say a single word. He finally spoke and asked in a hard tone "Can everyone leave so me and Renesme could talk." It wasn't a polite question. It was more like an order. Billy nodded and motioned for everyone to leave us alone. As soon as the door closed, Jake slammed his hand on the table and said "God Ness I told you to give it to them and get out! What the hell happened?" I shook with fear. I never saw him so angry before. I didn't like this side of Jacob. In fact, I didn't like it at all. I opened my lips and no words came out. I just sat there scared with my mouth wide open like some idiot. Then Jacob sighed and said "Look I'm sorry it's just..... after what just happened today you should let the pack take care of this." Now it was my turn to get angry. "You said that you would teach me!" I yelled. "Well since you were irresponsible with your one easy mission it shows that you can not handle the real war that will be uprising!" he yelled back. "I tried running but I wasn't fast enough! They wanted to know how I had a part in all of this!" Jacob murmured under his breath a cuss word and something about him being stupid. "Well it doesn't matter because I am going to fight for this no matter what!" "Not if I have anything to do with it."

  It was quiet for a while with dead silence. Then I remembered the last words Billy told me ,imprint. "What does it mean to imprint?" I asked all of the sudden. This surprised Jacob as he turned around. "What did you say?" "Imprint. What does it mean?" He slowly turned around and began to explain.

 "It's.... it's not like love at first love sight. It's more like gravity moves suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore........." then he looked up at me with a very serious expression and said "she does. You become whatever she needs you to be. Whether that's a protector, a lover, or a friend." (I don't want to make it look like I'm stealing these words. These are the words in Stephanie Myers book. I thought it would be nice for history to repeat itself in some parts of the book.)

  "So if you imprinted on me when I was born then how come I do not remember you from my childhood?" I asked. "My dad told you?" he asked. I nodded. He let out a big sigh. "It was the only way for you to live a normal life. I watched you growing up for a while, but then I had to leave. Because if I was there it wouldn't be normal for you. It was hard because you were really smart and had very good memory. You still do. We found a way to work around that. After I left everyone tried acting as normal around you as possible. You were confused, but pretty soon you went along with it. And when it was the right time I could see you again. Remember that day?"

"I remember it well. There was something about you that I couldn't put my finger on. It always drove me crazy. It was like I met you before. Now I know why."

"It wasn't easy to stay away from you for so long. Those days were the worst. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that I would meet you again."

 "So you were in love with my mother?" I asked.

Jacob looked really embarrassed and said "Oh about that......."

AFTER DAWN (EXTREMELY CHEESY!!! & NEEDS EDITING!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora