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It was the first time I saw Jacob as a wolf(beside in my dreams).It was another side of Jacob that I didn't get to see.This side looked like it allowed him to release more of his stress.He was more gentle.It took all my strength not to let go since I couldn't even feel my arms.As soon as we finally arrived I blacked out.

" Renesme!Run!"I saw my mother.I was so glad to see her!But something was wrong.I started to run to her and she said "You have to go!"I didn't listen to her I was hugging her saying "I am so sorry I love you and you did so much for me.I appreciate that."Then suddenly she was not talking to me anymore.There was silence. "mother?"I looked up and saw a body.It was somebody in a red cloack!I couldn't make out there face." we have all been waiting for you."Dozens of others appeared behind him.They growled showing there teeth and pounced!

Next thing I know,I am awoken by a sharp pain.I yelp in so much pain.Jacob is by my side.He squeezes my hand and says "Don't worry it will be over soon."I look down.He is dipping a liitle towel in a bucket of water and daps my wound.It stings and I flinch..After he stop and wipes away all the blood,I think it's overJacob pull out a sharp needle and a thread. "now you are going to have to trust me.I have never really done this before but it is the only way to sall the wound.You can't be loosing any more blood."I nodded and closed my eyes really tight.It was hard for me not to stay still.Jacob looked like he was gonna be sick.It was finally over and Jake tie a cloth on my arm.I satup and looked at my arm.It looked pretty good. "Wow!How did you know?"I asked in amazment.He shrugged like it was so obvious and said "Carlisle".I smiled and then remembered that he was gone.They were all gone. "He did so much for me didn't he?"He nodded."not only him but everyone.Especially you.And how did I thank you?I yelled at you and treated you like like crap.I don't deserve people who love me like you guys.I am so sorry Jacob."I looked a way so he wouldn't see me cry.I gave him enough pain already. "Don't blame yourself like that.I would have reacted the same way you did."I didn't look at him.He walked up to me and brushed my long hair out of my face.He looked straight into my eyes and said "It is not you fault." "Yes it is.I am the reason they are you there suffering!I should be the one to suffer and not them!" "They are the ones who chose to do it 'Ness.We all chose to.Don't put yourself in this type of position." I sighed and then I sniffed.Tears came up."I just miss them so much." He said "me too.I promise I will do everything in my power to get them back.The pack will help too."Even though I was the one mosly in danger and they would be coming after me,I knew it was up to me to do something.I had to try to handle everything myself. "Jake we can't go against the Volturi.If its me they want then that's what they'll get." "No you will get killed over there!Just let us handle it." "But I can't just do nothing Jacob!" "You can and you will" "All of those people might die because of me.I don't want to put you and the tribe at risk too." I looked at Jacob for a while with sincerity in my eyes.He sighed and looked out the window.I got up and put my arms around his waist. "Please let me do this Jacob.If you trust me and you really love let me clean up this mess.Teach me how to fight and then if something goes wrong I will let you come with me.Pleeeeeeeease?"He sighed and said "fine"."Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!"I gave him a huge kiss and said "lets start now.The sooner the better.We need to use all the time we have." "But the volturi might think you declined their offer.It is a bit risky.They can just kill your family."He did have a point.What about if their was a way we can give them the message without bieng killed? "Jake" "Yeah?" "You know where they are right?"He nodded. "Yeah why?" "I think I just got an idea."

AFTER DAWN (EXTREMELY CHEESY!!! & NEEDS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now