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  I was really nervous.I have never really hunted before.Jake told me not to worry.He said it was natural and I should just follow my instincs.I could smell a mountain lion about half a mile away.I started to run really fast.Jake was on my tails in his human form.He said that it would be more easier if we communicate this way.My nostrils flared.I layed flat on the ground in the grass and waited until the mountain lion came and suddenly I don't know what came over me. I stricked!This is an experience that I will never forget.I realized that Jacob was behind me and has seen everything.I was really embaressed.My face was red as a tomato.He laughed and said  "you know you look really sexy when you are in vampire mode" I rolled my eyes then said "shut up!"


  Bella was really torn!She wanted to see  if her daughter was okay.At the same time she wanted to listen to Carlisle and leave her and Jacob alone to sort things out with each other.Edwrd was worried as well,but ahother part of him was furious!How come Jacob could go and not him!Why couldn't he have access to his own daughter!Without him she probably wouldn't even exist!It just isn't fair!But Edward lisened to his father as always and stayed put.He tied to distract his self by listening to their thoughts.From miles away he tried to listen to his own daughter hunt.He was disapointed that he didn't get to witness his own daughter hunt.And then he listened Jacobs dirty thoughts on how sexy she looks in her "vampire mode" which made him even more furious!" Carlisle was calm and patient.The house was filled with silence.Alice was sitting on Jasper at the steps.Emmett was sitting on the couch with his arm aroud Rosalie.All of the sudden Edward couln't hear any one thoughts.The only emotion Jasper fealt was his own.Out of no wear the Volturi broke through the glass.Everyone bacame quickly alert!At once the Cullens lined up in front of them.The only one who seemed to be calm was Carlisle.Aro broke the silence and said "Where is the child." Carlisle answered "Aro lets not be this way.I thought we had an agreemant we should sort this all out." "Carlisle,all we want is the girl and we are on our way.No one has to get hurt.Now I am going to ask you one more time.WHERE IS SHE!!!!!"Nobody answered. "Very well.We didn't want it to be like this.Jane,will you do the honors?"Jane made everyone in pain.Even Bella. "Have you met the new member of the Volturi?Meet Autumn.We created her.She has the power to take away a gift anybody has.Especially you Bella." Jane was enjoying seeing everyone in pain.Especially Bella.Sh gave her the most pain out of Everyone else.While everyone was writhing in pain.Bella was screaming.She would have been crying!She yelled "STOP!MAKE IT STOP!!!PLEASE!!!!!" "If you won't let us have her then we will make her come to us!Everyone make a big mess.I don't want to see the slitest thing clean at all!I will write a little note to Renesme."Everone was ruining everything in sight.Flipping over couches and chairs and even breaking all the windows.After that they took the Cullens and left with a note laying on the floor.

AFTER DAWN (EXTREMELY CHEESY!!! & NEEDS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now