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  This is the end. It's all over. Well what can I say? I tried. When I thought all hope was lost, all of the sudden I heard a voice in my head. 'Use your gift Renesme!' "Dad?"I whispered and looked around dumbfounded. 'you can hear me?' he asked. He sounded surprised. 'Use your mind. As soon as he touches you, Block him with another memory. Concentrate! You can do this, I know you can!' Every second Aro came closer, I thought bigger and shut my eyes tightly to block everything and make it easier to concentrate. Then finally came the moment of truth. Aro's cold hands touched my head and as soon as he touched it, after a few seconds he quickly retracted his hand. It seemed as if he was almost,........frightened. "It's a telepath." he whispered. He quickly took his composure. "Alright. Let her go." he ordered. "Sir you can not be serious. Let her go?" One of the vampires sat up and said in protest. "trust me Caius, I know what I am doing." The guards released their tight grip on me. I tried not to let my teeth chatter and did my best not to shiver. If they saw me shiver, they would suspect that I wasn't one of them. "OK, whoever you are, you want to play that way fine. But nobody and I mean nobody go's up against me like that without a fight. You tell me who you are or you die. It's that simple." Aro turned around and sat at his throne where the others sat. "now, take your pick, and make it fast. The clock is ticking." I just stood there dumbfounded. He expects me to say who I am or die? Either way I know I will die. He's trying to trick me. I know it. This got me really, really mad. This man took my family and now he is threatening to put everybody's life in Forks in danger! He is getting in the way of my happiness and I am so not OK with that! This means WAR! "You know what?" I said looking him straight in the eye. "I choose neither! I choose to go up against you and fight!" Each word I uttered, I took a daring step forward. I finally got so close enough to his thrown and said "And you know what else? That vision you just saw will soon come true. You will see the girl that you have been looking for and she will crush you! You know what you are? You're nothing but a sick coward!" He stood up and said "I'll just kill you myself!" He looked so pissed off. He took me by the neck and held me up high. I chocked and gasped for air. "Fine go ahead and kill me! It just shows that you truly are a coward and you're afraid to go up against someone!" I uttered the words. My hood fell and it revealed my face. They could smell me now!

Aro's POV

As soon as the smell of her blood filled my nostrils, I knew who she was. The smell was only half human like! It was the girl that we have been wanting and I didn't even know!

Renesme's POV

Aro dropped me with a shocked look on his face. All the vampires sat up and came closer and surrounded me. They're fangs were out and they were ready to leap. All of the sudden my mother appeared. "MOM!" I yelled. She was in attack mode. Hunching over me for protection. Werewolfs broke in and there was a huge fight. The whole Cullen clan where there fighting too. It didn't look like they could hold them off for long. Jacob came over to help out. "Renesme, I want you to go with Jacob!" she said. "But-" "Do as I say!" There was no way we were all going to leave just like that. 'Please Renesme.......' It was my father in my head again. 'Listen to your mother. Leave now!' A wave of understanding washed over me. It was Uncle Jasper. I was falling into his trap. I did as told and got onto Jacob. Just in case he could hear me before we left I said in my head 'I love you dad. I love you all and I'm sorry. We'll get you out of here, I promise.' 'I love you too. The deal is on. Aro accepts.' As we rode off I looked back at my family fighting all because of me. I am determined to get them out.

AFTER DAWN (EXTREMELY CHEESY!!! & NEEDS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now