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 Here I am in the Prinipals Office waiting for someone to pick me up.I could imagine the shame in my parents face.I felt so out of control.My entire body was shaking.I was noticeing things around me that I have never noticed before.I could hear pulses and heart beats.More and more flashes and images were in my head.They are starting to become more clear to me.What is happening to me?I must be getting crazy!I look out the window and notice that somebody has arrived.I am relieved that it is Carlisle.That is not the only thing I notice.I touch my throat.My throat is burning and I feel so thirsty but not for water.I see a girl and stare at her in horror.Her eyes are firey red.She looks like a monster!I realize that the girl in the window is me.

  Carlisle arrives and there is alot of emotion in his face.He doesn't look ashamed or mad as I thought he would be.He took one good look at me and said "follow me." The car ride was really silent.I decided to speak  "listen Carlisle, I am so sorry but it was'nt my fault.Something just snapped inside of me.I think I need HELP!" Tears started to come,and the next thing I knew I started to cry right infront Carlisle.Carlisle sighed and parked the car right in the middle of the road.Then he did something I never thought he would have done.He gave me a big hug. "I know what is going on with you"he said.I gave him a confused look and replied "you do?" He nodded.I started to ask him millions of questions.He stopped me and said  "The whole family will help and explain at my place." I was really confused but said nothing.We were quiet for the rest of the ride.

AFTER DAWN (EXTREMELY CHEESY!!! & NEEDS EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now