New charater Bucky

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When he found you ~
Bucky was on the roof top of a building watching a young woman stumbling into he streets holding a sobbing child who looked to be 7 months

The woman hid behind a garbage can   Holding the child close trying to sooth it crying. Bucky went up to he woman looking at her confused when she put the child in his arms

"Take care of my baby please their name is (y/n) " she said moving her hand from her stomach she had a blood on her hand she had been shot and is loosing blood

Bucky nodded and tried to save the dying woman but he was too late she had died in his arms he took you back to his small apartment raising you ad his own Child loving you the way he would love like he was your real dad

What he calls you ~
Sweetheart  because to him your his little sweetheart

Your favorite avenger~
Wanda she is like a mom to you

What you call them~

Heath issues~
You lost your left arm don't worry you got a cool metal one like your dads

Funny text messages~
You: dad I want some pizza

Him: it's midnight

You: please

Him: okay I'll bring you some

You: thank you love you

When you have a nightmare~
He rushed to your room and holds you in his arms he makes sure everything is okay and you are safe he tells you story's about when him and Steve was younger

He tells you these stories until you fall asleep he ends up staying with you the rest of the night holding you in his arms

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