they found out you like someone

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Captian  America - He found out when you came home from summer camp with a phone number written on your arm with hearts around it

Hawkeye- when he came home fro your first day of kindergarten . you said you had a husband . your dad panicked while your mom laughed . Thinking it was cute

Ironman- he found out throw peper.  He didnt know what to do so he asked you to do, s9 he asked you to help fix his armer and asked you about your crush

Blackwidow-   you and your mom are super close so you tell her everything . So when told her she gave you advise

Thor - you asked your dad what a crush was he didn't know how to explain it so you talked with your mom

Pietro - your dad tried to play it cool but on the inside he was dieting because of how grown up you where

Wanda - like blackwidow you are super close to your mom so it was just natural to tell her .

Spider-Man-  he found a notebook with their name writen all over it . He gave you a awkward talk about crushes

Hulk- your first crush was a big deal so your dad let you tell him  everything about your crush

Bucky - "dad" you said looking at him while he worked on his bike

"Yeah?" He relied not looking up

"I like someone"

"Oh...good carry on" he said.  That's how that went

Doctor strange-  your dad had to teach you that getting angry about it was not okay that having a crush was natural

Agent colson-  when you were 5 you told your dad you had a crush on fitz  . Fitz doin out and hid till the crush went away

Loki- he asked Darcy for help because he wasn't happy about it

Sam Wilson-  he felt awkward about it when you told him. But he got use to it after a bit

Wolverine-  just like Bucky he really didn't care

Deadpool - you had to his his weapons before you told him he panicked and you laughed

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