Chapter One

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I heard a loud sound blast down my right ear, still dazed and half asleep I banged my hand on the button of the clock on my bedside cabinet. I slowly opened my eyes, '6:30 no way' I pulled my duvet up over my head. My head was booming from the music the night before in the club, my mouth tasted of stale alcohol. My bedroom door flung open 'Lizzie, Lizzie are you awake?' yelled Sophie my room mate.

'Noooooooo please don't yell' I asked keeping under my duvet, suddenly my cover was pulled off me 'come on you grump' she yelled again as she jumped onto the bed next to me. I was curled up in a ball with my pyjama shorts and a vest top on. Sophie lay next to me her long brown curly hair covered my face.

'Come on lets go for breakfast then we can come back study and have a lazy day seems we have no lessons, then we can get ready for tonights antics.' Tonight, whats happening tonight, I thought, I leaned up on my elbows and rested my hands under my chin as I looked at Sophie. Sophie was my best friend I had known her for years, when we put down for college we never thought we would get into Stanford together, we were so pleased even more to be housed together. Sophie was loud and confident I loved being around her, her personality was infectious.

'What's happening tonight?' I asked with a puzzled expression on my face.

'Lizzie you really cant remember' Sophie asked shocked, 'Shit you really were out of your face'

'I cant have been that bad' I asked 'could I ?'

'Lizzie we are goin on a double date you agreed, you remember that cute guy Joseph, well we are meeting him and he is bringin a friend for you Stefan or Steven'

'You don't even remember his name great start, what are you getting me into Soph' I said pushing my hair back off my face.

'You'll be fine and dandy he's cute and rich' she replied as she climbed off my bed. Her tummy made a loud rumbling noise, 'aahhhhh come on Lizzie im starving, we can talk about these hotties over breakfast ' she said as she began walking out of my room.

'Im moving, an hotties I don't even remember what Joseph looked like' I yelled back.

'Move it' Sophie shouted.

I clambered off my bed and stretched, she is such a bad influence on me I thought as I walked over to my wordrobe, I took out a pair of blue pencil jeans and a white vest top, this will do till I get back and shower. As I changed all I could think about was how I hated double dates I always end up with the pervy creep whilst Sophie hets the fit one.

Over breakfast Sophie was telling me all about the previous night, my stomach turned as the memories of myself dancing on the bar to Pink's 'So What' came flooding back to me, tonight I will not be dancing on the bar I will behave and be sensible.

It was a little while after lunchtime when we arrived back to our room full from breakfast and a bit of clothes shopping for tonight, Sophie went to her room to get prepared as she put it. I lay on the sofa thinking of what tonight might bring, 'cute and rich' Sophie said, please let this guy be genuine and not up himself like all the other odd bods ive dated, I had not had a long term relationship yet, shit I'd never even slept with a guy before, Sophie on the other hand was a popular girl, guys always approached her when we were out, slowly I felt my eyes close..........

'Elizabeth, ive missed you so much' he said in his deep husky voice, his hands rubbing up and down my spine, I loved it when he used my full name, he pulled me close and covered my lips with his mouth, pushing my lips apart with his tongue, he tasted delicious, I felt his hard length pushing against my thigh........'Lizzie, Lizzie' my eyes flicked open 'Lizzie bathrooms free' yelled Sophie. My body drenched in sweat, as I slowly lifted from the sofa, my god that's the second time ive had that same dream who is he I wondered as I walked towards the bathroom to prepare myself for tonight.

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