Chapter 17

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Elizabeths POV

My dad came to collect me from the airport,

"Two visits in a couple of months...What do we owe the pleasure" he laughed as he hugged me,

"I just needed a break" I lied. We got in the car and dad drove home, he asked a couple of times how Stefan was and why he hadn't come too, I lied again and said he couldn't get the time off of work, the time dragged till we arrived home, the minute we pulled up on the driveway mom was out hugging me,

"Oh dear its good to see you again so soon, no Stefan"

" No mom he bad to work" I said avoiding eye contact,

"Oh what a shame send him our love when you speak to him" she said leading me inside the house,

"I'm going to go to my room for a lie down mom I'm not feeling too good" I told her

"ok dear, I'll come and check on you shortly" she called as I walked up the stairs. I closed my bedroom door behind me and lay on my bed, the last time I was here Stefan was next to me, I touched the pillow were he slept, I missed him so much, I took my phone out of my jacket pocket and looked at the picture I had of him on my screensaver, I would give anything to touch his face, for him to hold me again...tears began to fall..I cried silently into my pillow......

Stefan's POV

I'd not heard from her since the night I saw her at the beach, maybe I shouldn't have kissed her but then she didn't pull away either. She had been at her parents house now for a week, I wanted to text her but she said she needed time and I didn't want to pressure her.

"I'm just going to test a few samples at the lab today then ill bring some home for you to try tonight" Joe said coming out of his room,

"Yeah that's great cheers mate"

" you not heard anything from Lizzie yet" he asked me,

"No nothing, I don't want to call or text her as she said she needs time" I told him feeling disappointed,

"I'm sure she will contact you soon" he smiled, I picked up my cup of coffee and drank the last bit glancing again at my phone, willing her to contact me. I'd gone back to work to try and keep myself busy, Joe was working on another cure so hopefully things were going to start looking up, my mind wandered back to Elizabeth wondering how she was, what she was doing.

Elizabeths POV

The week had flown by, I was beginning to run out of excuses about Stefan, I was sitting in the garden and my dad came out with a cup of tea for us both, my mom had gone shopping and Sarah was in school,

"Lizzie is everything okay? I can't help but feel like somethings not quite right with you" he sat next to me,

"I'm ok dad, I just needed the break" I told him,

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind, if it's that boyfriend and he has..." I cut him off,

"Daddy he hasn't done anything to me the opposite actually"

"Talk to me Lizzie" he pleaded taking me hand,

"Someone broke into our apartment a few weeks ago" I began knowing be would go mad because I hadn't told him,

"What, when, why didn't you tell us" he snapped angrily,

"Because I was fine, Stefan came in just one time" I reassured him,

"Well that's a good time thing, God knows what would have happened to you if be hadn't" he said giving my hand a squeeze,

"Yeah, but then Stefan was different dad, I seen a side of him I'd never seen before" I whispered,

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