Chapter 18

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Elizabeths POV

It was yesterday when I'd text Stefan and he rang me, we were on the phone for a while, I was really going to try hard and make this work, I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. I had been shopping with my mom as I hadn't really spent much time with her whilst I had been here, we were on our way back home,

"Are you ok dear you seem much more yourself today, you have been distant while you have been here" she asked,

"Yeah I'm fine mom, I've just been tired, I'm sorry if I've been off" I looked out of the window

"Oh dear its ok I just want you to know you can talk to me if you need too" she smiled at me, there was no way I could tell my mom about the apartment getting broken into she would go crazy she worries so much,

" I know mom, but I'm ok now" we pulled up on the driveway and seen a silver audi parked there,

"Who does this belong to" she said looking puzzled, mom began to climb out the car, I walked round to the boot and began taking out the shopping, we had been clothes shopping, food shopping, I was worn out, mom came round and took some bags then slammed the boot shut, as we approached the front door dad flung it open,

"Struggling their ladies" he said as we walked in, I placed the bags down in the hallway.

"You could have helped Ric" my mom replied,

"Help I was keeping our guest company" dad told her nodding towards the living room,

"I wondered who the car belonged to" she whispered,

"Come on" my dad said walking back to the living room,

"Oh dad I want to go get showered not meet people I've not seen in ages" I whispered,

"Come on it will only take a minute" I looked at mom and sighed as we followed him into the living room, the guest turned to face us, I gasped it was Stefan, my mom rushed over to him and hugged him,

"Oh dear I'm so glad you have made it, Lizzie said you were busy in work" I blushed, he knew the reason for my lying,

"Yeah I've been busy, but I thought I'd surprise Elizabeth" he said smiling at me,

"Come on Karen, let's go unpack the shopping" my dad called from the doorway, my mom walked over to him and smiled,

"Awwww that's so sweet he came to surprise her" I heard her whisper as they walked out, Stefan smiled, I walked around the sofa and stood near him,

"Hi" he said starring at me,

"Hi, I can't believe your here" I said smiling,

"Well after our conversation last night, I had to come" he stepped closer to me. I glanced up at him and smiled shyly, I felt like it had been forever,

"I've missed you" again he took another step closer, I blushed,

"I've missed you too, I'm sorry I've..." his lips crashed against mine, I could feel his tongue pushing against my bottom lip waiting for me to open my mouth to let him in, he pulled me to him with one hand whilst the other hand held the back of my bead, I kissed him back, his hand moved to the small of my back, God I missed him so much, he pulled away so we could both catch our breaths

"Elizabeth Lincoln I love you so much" he said pushing his nose to mine,

"I love you too Stefan, let's go outside" I slipped my fingers into his hand and we began walking down to the Lake,

"I'm sorry I took so long,I needed to be sure that I could do this" I told him,

"It's okay I told you I would wait, don't be silly, I should have told you Elizabeth, I was scared I was going to loose you once you seen the monster I am" he looked to the ground, I stopped walking and turned to face him, I cupped his face in my hands and looked into his eyes,

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