Chapter 15

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We had been home for a couple of weeks, Stefan and I had not mentioned the incident at the lake house and nothing had happened since, my mom had sent some photographs from our weekend, there were some really nice ones from Coney Island, I smiled to myself as I looked through them. I lay on my bed and began sketching, Stefan was coming round shortly and we were going out for a meal, I put my headphones in and listened to Paloma Faith, picking up the pieces........

Stefan's POV

Weeks had passed since the weekend at Elizabeths parents, neither of us had mentioned what had happened, I told Joe, he said it could have been a reaction to the medicine he had made that could have been why my senses had been cut off, he had try changing it so the reaction didn't happen again, Sophie had been asking if I had spoken to Elizabeth yet about me changing. I explained I just needed a little longer incase Joe could get a cure together. We were going out tonight for a meal, we hadn't really spent much time together since we got back as I had a lot on at work and Elizabeth had a lot of assignments due in, I was looking forward to seeing her. I showered and changed then headed over to Elizabeths's.

As I pulled up outside I could hear shouting coming from inside the apartments, I stood still for a minute so my hearing could adjust to were it was coming from, I heard an ear piercing scream come from a woman....It was Elizabeth...I began to run,

"Weres your fuckin money" a man yelled, she screamed again...I ran quickly towards the door, it was open, Elizabeth was lying on the living room floor covered in blood,

"Stefan" she whimpered, before I knew it I had changed infront of her, the guy turned and I lunged myself at him taking him off of his feet, I sliced away at him with my hands, his screams, I still carried dare he hurt dare he.....a scream came from behind me, I froze...and turned slowly...Elizabeth was pressed against the wall screaming, my breathing began to change, I looked down at my hands they were covered in blood, but we're turning back normal, I took a step towards her, she flinched and sobbed silently,

"Elizabeth its me Stefan" I whispered,

"W..w...What...the....Fuck are you....please don't hurt me" she cried

"Elizabeth I'd never hurt you" I slowly crouched infront of her,

"What the fuck" a voice from behind me, I spun round quickly it was Joe, I heard a gasp from Sophie,

"Oh my god" she ran to Elizabeth, who hadn't moved off of the floor infront of me, Elizabeth bad her knees pulled to her chest, she was crying, her eyes wide with fear, Sophie had been arms wrapped round her,

"It's okay Lizzie, your ok" she whispered glancing over at me,

"Sophie...he...he's...its...not...." she broke down again, Joe tapped my shoulder, I turned to face him, this is what I was afraid of happening.

"What we going to do about him" Joe asked me, nodding towards the barely conscious body lying on the floor.

"ill take him to the hospital Joe" I whispered,

"No ill take him, I think you should go home and clean up" he answered nodding his head to my hands, covered in blood,

"I need to talk..." I began,

"No mate I think you need to go and let me and Sophie sort this all out" Joe handed me my car keys off the cupboard top, I glanced ago Sophie and Elizabeth, she was sobbing I could bear Sophie reassuring her she was safe now.

"Come on mate, I'll call you soon" Joe said next to me,

"Sophie" I said quietly, she lifted her head and looked at me, pain on her face,

"I'd never hurt her" I starred

"I know Stefan, I know, Joe will call you" she smiled slightly, I turned and made my way quickly to my car before anyone seen me, I sat in the drivers seat and punched my bloodstained hands onto the the wheel, I've lost her, I couldn't have let him hurt her anymore than he already had, every emotion came flooding over me, anger, frustration, love, loss, I could feel myself changing I looked at my bloodstained hands, they began to change, my breathing heavy, I clambered out of the car and began to run, I kept running and running keeping to the side streets till I reached my apartment, I leant against the wall I could feel myself slowly changing back. I began to slump to the floor, what have I done, I dropped my bead into my bloody hands and began to cry, the only girl I've ever loved and I've lost her.

Elizabeths POV

"Lizzie you need to talk to me" Sophie told me, I just sat propped against the toilet were I had just vomited, I can't believe what he did, what he was, a monster, I could feel it Again rising up in my chest, how could he keep this from me,

"Lizzie please can I come in" Sophie called, I wiped my mouth with tissue and tried to stand, my legs were like jelly, I unlocked the door, Sophie stood before me, I burst into tears

"Oh Lizzie" Sophie said hugging me,

"I loved him Soph" I sobbed, "How can I love a monster"

"I really need to talk to you, to explain things" Sophie began before I interupted,

"Explain what, you knew" I pulled away, "You knew and you didn't tell me, your meant to be my friend Sophie, how could you" I yelled, how could they keep this from me, I pushed past her into the living area were Joe was cleaning the carpet

"Did you know to" I yelled at him, Joe quickly got to his feet,

"Lizzie please, listen" Sophie called behind me,

"Listen, listen, he could have killed me, you have known and still let him be with me" I felt so hurt and betrayed by all of them,

"He wouldn't hurt you Lizzie" Joe said walking towards me slowly,

"Listen to Joe Lizzie, let him explain" Sophie asked. I looked at Joe waiting for an explanation for what had happened tonight.

"I've known him for years Lizzie, he was part of an experiment" Joe explained how the effects became worse and how he was helping trying to find a cure for Stefan, "You were in danger Lizzie, he put everything he feels for you at risk to protect you, he would never hurt you, be can control it at times well until people are in danger that it" he looked at Sophie,

She walked towards me, taking my hand in hers, we sat on the sofa,

"You know when I was attacked a few months ago, well I did see the person that saved me" she began to explain it looked at her puzzled, she said she didn't see,

"It was Stefan Lizzie, he changed to save me the guy had a gun, I was just as shocked but Joe and Stefan explained everything, he asked me to give him time to tell you, then you went away, I think he has just been trying to find the right time" she continued,

"I need to be alone" I said standing and walking towards my bedroom,

"Lizzie, he loves you" Joe called to me,

"The man that was hurt will be be ok" I asked not looking back,

"Lizzie why do you care, he broke into our house" Sophie snapped,

"He is alive I took him to the hospital" Joe answered, I nodded and walked into my room, I shut the door and leaned against it, I felt sick again, my heart ached, I loved him so much,a sob escaped my mouth, I slid down the door and cried, I could never be with him, not now, I couldn't hold it anymore, I curled into ball on the floor and cried so hard.......

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