Chapter Three

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'Let's go to a club then guys' Joseph said putting his arm around Sophie, she was so loving all the attention he was giving her. Stefan looked at me, 'do you fancy a club or do you want to go for a walk along the beach' he asked. My god I'd do anything he asked me to do 'a walk sounds good, my head is still pounding from the club last night' I said smiling up at him,

'You don't mind do you Joe' Stefan asked

'No probs mate, ill see you in a bit, don't wait up' Joseph replied laughing.

'See you later then girlie' Sophie said hugging me, 'He is sooooo fit, don't be doing anything I would do' she whispered I pushed her away blushing.

Sophie and Joseph left, Stefan and Joseph wouldn't let us pay towards the bill they split it between them, I picked up my handbag and placed it over my shoulder.

'You ready' Stefan asked, his piercing brown eyes starring at me god just grab me and kiss me I thought his lips looked so kissable as he wet them with the tip of his tongue.

'Yep' I replied feeling slightly embarrassed by what I was thinking. He gestured with his hand again for me to start moving, he followed keeping right at the side of me I could feel the cuff of his grey jacket swiping against my hand then his finger touching me, god I wanted to take his hand in mine, I glanced up at him as we were moving in between the tables his tanned face, his brown eyes starring ahead......I didn't see the chair being pulled out in front of me as I was too busy watching Stefan.....shit.....I was a heap on the floor,

'Elizabeth are you ok' Stefan asked placing his arms around me as he helped lift me off the floor.

'I'm so sorry I just didn't see you' said the innocent and very embarrassed man that had been sitting on the chair

'How can you miss her' Stefan asked his voice very stern

'It's ok, no broken bones, its my fault not watching were I was walking' glancing from the man to Stefan.

'Are you sure, your ok' Stefan asked he looked so concerned and hurt.

'I'm fine, really lets just get out of here' I said beginning to laugh. He kept his arm around me and held me close till we got to the entrance.

'Do you still fancy a walk or would you rather go home' he asked looking at me so caring.

'Lets walk really I'm fine' I said glancing up at him.

Once again he gestured with his hand to the beach I leant down and took off my shoes and stepped onto the sand, I turned to see him bent over taking off his shoes and socks and rolling the bottoms of his trousers up.

'Ready' I asked smiling at him

'Yep' he said walking towards me. We walked silently for a few minutes side by side.

'So how long have you known Joseph' I asked him

'A long time, too long sometimes' he laughed god I love his laugh and the way his nose wrinkles, 'I moved here when I was about 15 he lived a few doors away from my parents, we became friends and stuck together since, he's a good guy well when he's not picking dates for me that is' again he laughed, butterflies flew in my tummy. 'How long have you and Sophie been friends' he asked looking down at me.

'Gosh we grew up together we went to the same kindergarten, same high school and now same college she is more like a sister as well as my bestest friend well when she is not organising double dates' we both laughed. My hand swiped against his, my whole body tingled, he gently slipped his fingers one at a time over mine till he had hold of my hand in his, oh my god I wanted to crumble, could I fall in love so quickly god I know nothing about him he could be a murderer for all I know but I don't really care he is just too good to be true. We walked some more the waves crashed against the rocks.

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