Chapter 9

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Stefan's POV

Finally they came inside, I was sitting on the sofa, I had put my trousers and shirt in a black bag they were on the floor next to me, my skin felt raw from all the scrubbing I had done to remove the blood.

"Stefan's, you ok man" Joe asked as he shut the front door. I nodded and starred at Sophie who was standing by the arm chair not moving from Joe's side.

"Sophie" I began, "I'm really sorry you had to see that" I rubbed my hands together nervously,

"Does Lizzie know about you" she asked her voice shaking.

"No,no I don't want to hurt her" I replied,

"Hurt her, you just fuckin killed someone"her voice slightly raised,

"Sshhhhhhh babe, let him explain, he would never hurt you or Lizzie, would you Stef". Joe broke in,

"No never, that's what I want to explain " I began, "years ago I was in the army and they decided the doctors we had that through some medication and experiments they had been doing, that they could make an army of strong soldiers"

Joe guided Sophie to the armchair to sit down,

"They called each of us in and gave us an injection, they explained we would only feel stronger and faster, they forgot to add the part about the side effects that would start to occur, " I gulped and glanced At Sophie, her eyes wide as she watched and listened to everything,

"A few months later I noticed changes in some of the others, they became more aggressive, violent towards others, I went to one of the doctors and voiced my concerns, next thing I know I was packed up and given permanent leave, it wasn't until I got home and settled that I noticed changes, my hearing, I can hear anything, I know your scared Sophie because I can hear your heart racing" her hand moved to her chest.

"My sense of smell is much stronger than any other human and i am also faster, my eyes change colour and i develop night vision, my hands as you saw tonight also change". Sophie whispered quietly, "What did you do when you first changed?"

"I was so scared of hurting someone, I moved away, Joe just so happened had started college and was helping out in the labs, I had grew up with him, if there was one person I could tell it was going to be Joe".

Sophie looked at Joe sitting on the arm next to her.

"He's my mate Soph, you do anything to help a friend out, sure when he told me I was speechless, I had to see it for myself," he replied.

"The apartment we had at the time was in New Orleans and one evening we were watching basket ball, when I heard screaming, I told Joe and I ran, it was a lady getting mugged, I fought off her attacker and luckily she hadn't seen me turn,her attacker survived but was arrested,Joe saw everything and from then on he has been such a loyal friend, keeping secrets and trying work on a cure for me, Sophie I would never have hurt you,I can control it at times unless I have completely changed." I finished and put my head down.

"Stefan I explained to the police that the man had a gun an tried to mug me, I said I didn't see who or what got him but they saved my life", she began to cry, "You saved me Stefan, just like you saved that lady, I am scared of you. And I do think Lizzie has a right to know but I won't tell her but you must, I love her with all my heart and you will hurt her so much" she was really upset now.

"I would never hurt her Sophie, you have to believe me*" I begged

"Stefan she is madly unloved with you, if anything happened to you she would be devastated. " I was speechless Elizabeth loved me,me a monster......

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