Chapter 20

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Elizabeths POV

Stefan's alarm woke me,he leaned up to turn it off,

"What time is it" I asked sleeping rubbing my eyes,

"It's 2:30am" he replied pulling me into his arms,

"I'm so tired Stefan" my eyes closing slightly again,

"Go back to sleep, I looked wake you once I'm sorted, you look like you need it" he answered kissing my forehead, I felt him move gently from underneath me.......

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth, babe you ok" Stefan's voice rang in my ears, I opened my eyes he was holding me I looked down yet again my hands holding my stomach, I was sweating,

"Have you been having nightmares?" he asked wiping his hand across my forehead,

"Only now and again, ill be ok" I told him easing myself out of his arms,

"Elizabeth what are they about" he asked as I began gathering my things for a quick shower,

"Stefan I'm ok really, come on go make the coffee whilst I jump in the shower" I said as I headed out of the room, trying to avoid the question. He quickly was at my side, be held my hand and turned me to face him,

"Please tell me, is it me" he whispered,

"No honestly, I'm ok, I'm just tired, but I'm looking forward to getting away with you, well that's if we make it that is" I smiled at him kissing him on the lips and I walked away to the bathroom, I leaned against the bathroom door, how on earth do I tel, him my nightmares were about him, him hurting me.....

We arrived at the Maldives its was so warm, we were shown our room, well it wasnt really a room, it was like our own villa, which lead out onto the ocean so we could sit outside with amazing views, it was breath taking, Stefan put our bags in the bedroom whilst I continued looking around, I was amazed this must have cost so much,

"What do you think" his voice came from behind me,

"Oh my god Stefan, I love it, thank you" I ran to him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, I kissed him hard,

"You fancy a swim" be asked winking,

"Of course" I smiled cheekily, he put me down and turned,

"Where are you going" I asked him slightly puzzled,

"To get changed aren't we"

"Oh well...." I paused slipping off my flip flops and taking hold of the bottom of my dress, I pulled my dress off over my head and dropped it to the floor, Stefan starred,

"I think I might just go in like this" I winked and turned away standing in my pink lace panties and bra, I carefully unclasped my bra crossing my arm across my chest I threw my bra at him, he was still standing with his mouth open, I jumped into the water, it was so warm and blue, it was like our own island no body was around it was so peaceful and beautiful, suddenly Stefan jumped in next to me, splashing me, I felt his hand slip around my waist pulling me towards him,

"I can't believe you just did that" he smiled, I could feel how excited he was,

"There's going to be a lot more of that" I winked wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him gently on the lips,

"mmmmmmmm" he groaned, I was absolutely, madly unloved with this guy and I take everything that comes with him, I know he would never hurt me. We spent the rest of the afternoon, early evening making love, already today had been the best day of my life. Stefan ordered some food and we sat out on the balcony, I opened a bottle of wine for us as we lay together on a sun loungers. Stefan spoke to me about the samples he was trying out that Joe had made and how they seemed to be taking effect slowly, which was slightly good,

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