Chapter 10

10 1 8

To: Elizabeth

From: Stefan

I will be finished here at 3:00pm, I could come get you and we can go shopping then if that's good for you.

Love Stefan x

I finished college at 2pm and headed back to the apartment and seen Stefan's text on the way. I began texting back....

To: Stefan

From: Elizabeth

Hey, that times great :) I've just finished college. Looking forward to shopping, oh and seeing you too hahaha !!!

I've missed you

Yours Elizabeth xxx


I walked into the apartment and Sophie was lying on the sofa watching tv.

"You ok? " I asked sitting on the arm,

"Yeah, I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well" she replied.

"I'm not surprised, where is Joe? "

"He went home to change,then he is coming back for take out, if you want to join us" she asked.

"Yeah could do, I'm meeting Stefan at 3, we are going shopping, I need a few bits for the weekend" I said standing up.

"Ahhhhh your weekend break with your parents" she smiled,

"Mmmmmmm, I feel nervous for Stefan, you know what my dad is like " I pulled a face, my dad is hard to win over at times, I remembered him with my sisters husband, I think I may have to warn Stefan.

"Right I'm going to change, " I said heading into my room, my phone buzzed in my jeans pocket,

Text message:



Nice to know you miss me :(

Miss you loads :)

See you in a minute

Love Stefan x

He was just so sweet, I smiled to myself as I began to change.

Stefan's POV

I walked up to her door, I still felt slightly nervous about Sophie, but she completely proved this morning that she would keep my secret, which was asking so much of her. I knocked......

The door opened it was Sophie,

"Hey come in she's just getting her bag" she said gesturing me in with her hand. I walked into the living area.

"Lizzie, Stefan's here" she called, I stood by the armchair,

"Sit down. Stef, I'm not the one who bites" she laughed, I sat down and smiled.

"Thank you for this morning, I owe you so much for keeping this quiet" I smiled,

"I'm doing this for Lizzie and the fact that you saved my life I owe you" she glanced up from her hands.

"Keeping what quiet" Elizabeth said walking into the living area. We both froze.

"Oh did you know it's Stefan's birthday on Saturday?" Sophie said saving the day and smiling at me, how did she know.... Joe I should have guessed.

"You never told me" Elizabeth said slightly hurt.

"I didn't think with us sorting flights out for Friday and things I forgot" I replied shyly.

"Stefan it's important" she walked over and kissed my cheek. I smiled trying hard not to check her out.

"Sophie and Joe are getting take out late you fancy joining them, you can stay over again" Elizabeth smiled as she said it.

"Yeah sure, that will be nice" I answered a little nervous.

"Great Joes picking up beers and wine, happy shopping guys"Sophie called as we headed out the door.

We arrived at the shopping mall, Elizabeth slipped her hand into mine and gently placed her fingers inbetween mine,

"Right were do you want to go?" she asked me.

"I need some toiletries then jeans, t shirts,shorts, then sorted how about you"

"Toiletries, dresses, shoes, lingerie" I smiled at her cheekily.

"Oh and your birthday present" she added,

"No don't worry" I told her I didn't want a fuss.

"Come on" she pulled my hand towards the clothes shop for men.

"You go look in here and ill nip into that lingerie shop ok" she said kissing me,

"I don't mind coming with you" I winked, she laughed loudly,

"No it's a surprise for your birthday" she smiled walking away. I went and got some jeans and a couple of t shirts and shorts, when I came out of the shop I saw Elizabeth talking to a guy, he placed his hand on her shoulder, I immediately felt my breathing change, how dare he touch her I thought to myself. Get a great Stefan she knows the guy, I tried to control my jealousy as I slowly made my way over,

"Hey you "she immediately saw me. The guy turned and smiled,

"This is Matt, we are in the same class"she gestured with her hand "and this is my boyfriend Stefan"

"Hey Stefan, nice to meet you" Matt replied holding out his hand. I really didn't want to shake hands incase mine changed my breathing was still not quite right. I slowly pulled my hand from my pocket and glanced down, it seemed to be okay,

"Nice to meet you Matt" I shook his hand quickly placing it back into my pocket

"I best, et you get back to it, have a great weekend and I'll see you next week" Matt said walking away. We continued shopping until 6pm then made a move back to Elizabeths's apartment. I was hoping Joe remembered to bring a tube of my med with him after the little jealous rage earlier, I think I may need some.

Elizabeths's POV

Our flights were booked and we were all sorted for the weekend. I had a nice afternoon shopping with Stefan and I even managed to get him a birthday present without him seeing. We were back at the apartment, Stefan was in the shower and Sophie and I were having a glass of wine in the living area whilst waiting for Joe to arrive.

"I got Stefan birthday present " I told her,

"Oooooo what did you get" Sophie asked,

"A gold watch, with a personal message engraved and tickets to formula 1 for us both"

"Wow that's amazing he will love it Lizzie"

"I hope so I really want the weekend to be perfect Soph, has been said anything to Joe" I asked curiously,

"About what"

"About me and him" what else did she think I meant I thought to myself,

"Well only that he really likes you but I'm sure you already know that" Sophie said laughing.

Joe arrived and stefan was out of the shower, we ordered Chinese and had a lovely evening, lots of laughs just what Sophie needed after last night, we called it a night and went off to bed, I got into bed beside Stefan he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, I think I fell asleep, thinking of what a perfect night we had had to match my perfect boyfriend.

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