chapter Seven

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Stefan's POV

I knelt next to the woman and put my fingers to her neck, I felt a pulse very faint, and I pulled out my phone and quickly dialled 911,

'Ambulance....' As I gave the rest of the details I heard a movement behind me in the bushes, as I turned a man can running at me with a knife,

'You in the wrong fuckin place pal' he yelled,

I began to change, shit...... I held my head... the pain..... I looked down at my hands they were changing, my eyes turned I had night vision, the man before me stopped in his tracks,

'What the fuck are you' he froze......

I lunged at him, I grabbed him by the throat and threw him he flew across the park..... I leapt over to were he was lying

' man don't hurt me'

My fists rained down on him, there was no more shouting, I heard sirens ringing, I covered my ears with my hands. I ran off into the darkness, I slowly could feel my heartbeat slowing down I kept running till I was at the apartment door. I quickly found my key and pushed my way in leaning against the door. I cant believe what just happened, I turned on the light and walked into the living area, I looked down my hands were covered in blood, my t shirt was full of it too, my stomach turned, what have I done. I headed to the shower, I pulled out clean clothes and grabbed a towel, I stripped off my blood stained clothes and dropped them on the floor, I stepped in an turned the shower on, I looked down as I watched the blood run off my arms and hands, what have I done, I pushed my hands threw my hair and grabbed at the shower gel rubbing it all over my body more on my arms and hands, I wondered if the woman had survived and that man, I dropped to my knees in the shower and cried, I am a monster I don't deserve to be happy, I've took someone's life again..............

After I bit I stepped out the shower and dried off and went in the living room, I switched on the coffee maker and waited for Joe to come home, I sat on the sofa and kept replaying what had happened...... I switched on the tv and put on the news, nothing......

I must have had about ten cups of coffee I glanced at the clock, 8:45am, I picked up my mobile and dialled the office,

'Hello, Stefan Baileys office' Lillians voice rang out,

'Hi Lillian it's me Stefan, I cant make it in today I've been up in the night with a bug, I will call again later just cancel any meetings I have till later in the week please'

'Yeah sure Stefan, I hope your feeling better soon dear'

I rang off immediately, I flicked through the tv at all the news channels, suddenly just what I had been waiting for....

'Last night two people were attacked in the park behind Stanford University, Police are saying the young woman who has been identified as Sarah Forbes aged 17 was stabbed in the stomach several times and has also been sexually assaulted but is recovering in hospital, further away from were her body was found, was the mauled body of a male, he has not yet been identified but it does look like he was attacked by some kind of animal, he how ever was not as fortunate as Miss Forbes he was dead when paramedics arrived'

'Holy shit' I shouted out loud.....i looked down at my hands they were shaking, I grabbed my phone and quickly dialled Joe,

'Yo man' he answered,

'Joe were are you' I asked with worry in my voice,

'I'm just about to leave Sophie's, you ok,'

'Joe hurry, I've........killed someone' my stomach turned again. I could feel the bile rising in my throat.

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