Chapter 11

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Elizabeths's POV

"Good morning" I heard Stefan mumble behind me as be kissed the back of my head.

"Mmmmmm, good morning to you too" I turned smiling, "Are you ready for today" I asked feeling slightly nervous.

"Yeah I'm really looking forward to meeting your family," he replied

"Do you need to go home before we leave?" I asked him, hoping he had to so I could wrap his present and put it in my case.

"Yeah I need to get a few bits then ill be back ready to go then I'm all yours" he smiled cheekily,

"I like the sound of that" I said as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard on the lips. He kissed me back then pulled away after a few minutes.

"Come on, as much as I would love to stay here investment with you, I need to go and get sorted," Stefan said kissing me once more, then climbing out of bed.

Stefan's POV

I left Elizabeths's and called quickly at the office to check everything was in order, then went to my apartment to get packed and sorted. I felt quite nervous about meeting between family and was obviously worried incase anything happened to.....well the beast side of me,I took 4 bottles out of the fridge that Joe had made up for me and packed them securely in my case along with everything I needed, I showered and put on some grey trousers with a white shirt unbuttoned at the top and rolled up my sleeves I wanted to make a good impression. As I headed back to collect Elizabeth all I could think about was how I hoped it was a good weekend with no changes.

I knocked and Joe opened the door,

"You all sorted mate?" he asked winking,

"Yeah all done thanks, ready to go" I smiled. Elizabeth came walking out of her room into the living area, she looked stunning, she had on a blue floral skirt which rested just above her knees with a white vest top and sandals on, she was quite literally breath taking, Joe took her career from her as Sophie hugged berry over and over,

"Have a great time Lizz, say hi to everyone for me" she said,

"I'm sure we will, thanks you, take care of her Joe" Elizabeth said, Joe nodded,

"Ready? " I asked still eyeing her up and down.

"Yep let's go"

Sea arrived in New York a few hours later, once we had collected our cases we went to collect our car I had hired, then we were on our way, Elizabeth was giving me the run down on each member of the family on the way, as we pulled up outside massive house, it was beautiful,

"Are you ready"she asked squeezing my hand gently.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I smiled driving up the driveway. I parked up and we got out leaving our cases till we had said our hellos. Elizabeth rang the bell, I stood nervously at her side. I heard footsteps and shouting coming from inside, the door flung open. An older lady, but beautiful stood before us, she looked just like Elizabeth,

"Oh my baby, my beautiful baby" she said grabbing Elizabeth and hugging berry hard,

"Hi mom, your squeezing" she said hugging berry mom back smiling at me over her shoulder, I smiled back,

"Mom this is......"

"Stefan, oh my, I do see what my daughter was attracted too" she said hugging me, I laughed,

"Hello Mrs Lincoln, it's lovely to meet you"

"Oh dear don't call me that it's something my mother in law gets called, the old dragon she is too, call me Karen" she laughed, "Come on in you two" Karen said pulling us both by the hands into the entrance hall,

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