chapter Six

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Stefan's POV

I dropped Elizabeth off at her apartment, and said I'd see her that evening, I had to get back to get this sorted with Joe.

As I opened the door, Joe was already there pacing up and down,

'Were the fuck have you been, I got back ages ago' he said still pacing,

'I had to drop Elizabeth off, Joe it's bad mate, I completely changed earlier,' I said running my hand through my hair.

'Shit, did she see' he asked concerned,

'No but she knows some things wrong I can sense it' I sat on the sofa as Joe walked into his room, he appeared with the case with his medical stuff in, he strapped me up to the small monitor he had stolen from college to use on me, he was watching my heart checking it was all normal,

'Everything's fine on here, when do you feel it changing, your breathing and stuff' he asked watching the screen

'I don't know each time Elizabeth and I have become close....' I started, 'I can feel my breathing change and earlier I felt my eyes change Joe, I was scared for her' Joe sat quietly starring at the screen,

'Joe....' I asked moving forward on the sofa,

'It's her Stef, whilst your talking about her your heart is racing, she is having an effect on you that I haven't seen before' I sat quiet, I cant stop seeing her, I thought silently,

'Stef your going to have to lie low whilst we sort this' Joe mumbled as he took out his pad with all his notes on he had made about me over the years.

'Joe I cant I've fallen for her, maybe I should tell her' I said looking down at my hands,

'What you are joking, fuck Stef, you just going to drop it in over dinner tonight, Lizzie, im different to other guys, I turn into a monster and loose control that fuckin much I could rip you apart' he yelled 'She would run to the nearest police station and have you locked up'

'But she might not, she's different, Joe, she's not like...... you know,' I mumbled

'Stef, look at what happened last time you got too close, please Stef just think about it,' I know he was talking sense but the thought of walking away now ripped at my heart,

'Ill get back into the lab and see what else I can sort if there is any stronger meds you can take to pro long you changing to give you time to get out of were you are with her, until then I advise you to stay here and keep away from her, I sighed as Joe began putting the monitor away, he grabbed his car keys, 'ill be back soon ill go the lab now, don't leave ok' he said rushing out the door. The door slammed shut, I could still hear him mumbling as he headed out to the car, one of the bonuses of this I was able to hear things others couldn't. I walked into my bedroom and looked at the pile of washing id left earlier, Elizabeth had stripped the bed and folded the duvet on the bed, as I gathered the washing I noticed her phone, lying on the floor by the bed, she must have dropped it when we were tidying up, I picked it up, she needs it, ill only be a minute before he gets back, I dropped the bedding on the floor rushed out in the living room and grabbed my car keys off the side, slamming the door shut behind me.

Elizabeth's POV

As we pulled up outside mine, I leaned over and kissed him on the lips, he kissed me back,

'Thank you for today, I loved it' I told him trying hard to contain myself I just wanted him again,

'No thank you' he answered kissing me again, 'Ill see you later' he said as he pulled back

'Yep say 8, is that ok' I asked unsure,

'Perfect ill see you then'

I opened the car door and got out,

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