chapter Eight

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Elizabeth's POV

A few weeks had passed since I first met Stefan and we began dating, we didn't spend much time apart, he was absolutely perfect in every way, I was thinking about asking him is he wanted to come and visit my parents in New York, for the week end, was it a bit to soon to be introducing him to my family, I could only ask, I rang my mom,

'Hello' a young girl's voice answered the phone,

'Sarah is that you, it's me, Lizzie, is mom there.' A screech came down the phone right into my ear....

'Arrrgghhhh Lizzie, are you ok' she yelled, my younger sister she was 14years old,

'I'm good I just need to speak to mom for a minute, are you ok, hows school?'

'It's ok, I miss you' she said softly, i heard a voice in the back ground,

'Sarah, who is it dear?' it was mom,

'It's Lizzie, heres mum love you' she said before she passed the phone over,

'I love you too and I'll see you soon' I called back,

'Lizzie, Lizzie, it's mom, how are you dear, You are coming home at the weekend aren't you your not calling to cancel' she said worry in her voice,

'No mom I'm coming home, I just wanted to ring up to ask if it was ok to bring someone with me' I asked a little wary.

'Someone....oooooo Lizzie Lincoln, have you met a boy' my mom asked,

I laughed, 'yeah I have and he is really sweet and I'd like to bring him home for the weekend would that be ok' I asked,

'Of course it is dear, your big sister April is coming to so he will get to meet the whole family' Every couple of months my parents try and organise a weekend were we all get together, April lives in Florida with her husband Nathan and their two kids, Sophia and Bradley, my mom loves seeing the little ones and its nice for us all to catch up,

'So what's his name dear' my mom asked,

'His name is Stefan Bailey am sure you will like him, I am going to have to go mom, I'm going on a date and I need to get sorted, ill see you all Friday evening, love you all give dad my love too'

'I will dear, we love you too, see you Friday, byeeee' she rang off, I loved speaking to my mom, I really do miss our chats. I had ran a bath whilst chatting, I turned on my I pod and stepped into the bath.

Stefan's POV

A few weeks had past since I had started dating Elizabeth, the more I was getting to know her the more I was falling in love with her, I'd still had a few incidents time to time of trying to control my situation but it was working and Joe's med that he made was helping loads too, The young girl that had been attacked a couple of weeks previous was out of hospital and was on the news thanking the person that had saved her life, I felt slightly better knowing that even though I had taken a life he was a bad person.

I stepped out of the shower and walked into my bedroom with a towel wrapped round me, my clothes were laid out on the bed, we were going to the cinema tonight Elizabeth's choice, I pulled on my grey trousers with a white shirt, I rolled up the cuffs and left a couple of buttons open at the top, I rubbed my fingers through my hair and glanced into the mirror. Sorted. I took my keys off the bed side cabinet and pushed them in my pocket with my wallet, I went into the kitchen and took out of the fridge a small test tube with my med in off Joe, and gulped it down, now time to go pick up my girl.

Elizabeth's POV

I looked myself over in the mirror, I had on a grey pencil skirt with a white shirt and a pair of back heels I picked up my small black bag, tonight was the night I was going to ask him if he would come to my parents with me.

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