(5) Carrot

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3rd person P.O.V

Judy knew when she crossed the line. And usually, she knew how to fix it.

But there were times where she herself was lost and confused. Times she didn't know how to fix. And that was normal- nobody can fix EVERYTHING. There are just some things you can't fix.

But to Judy, everything HAS to have a solution, she just won't take defeat easily.

Perhaps it was this that had gotten her into the latest predicament.

Here she was, standing in front of her best friend Nick, explaining to him about the package that went missing.

Of course Nick had been furious. In that package was a small box with a golden watch inside, his family's most prized possession.

Judy didn't understand why he need it in the first place but decided to come clean as soon as she dropped it down the gutter.

She replayed the vivid memory in her mind, how the small box slipped between the graters was a question she couldn't even answer.

And it was a question Nick never wanted to ask.

But he was mad. Mad that his best friend for the first time, had failed him.

This wasn't Judy Hopps. This was a trickery. A vision! Anything but real. But the more he realised it, the more it was clear that is was very much real and he had lost the biggest money profit in years.

And because of this mistake, he bailed out on her. Judy wasn't sure which was worse, the menacing glares or the hurtful words.

It was always a "leave me alone" or a "dumb bunny!" Comment that made the bunny cry repeatedly.

Her first true best friend had hated her.

Judy wanted to apologise, she attempted at making amends by even replacing the golden time counter. Nothing worked.

Nick didn't even want to speak to her.

It was the fifth day since the incident and Judy was miserable. The usual phone call then go out schedule hasn't taken place that day and she was just about to give up.

She sat on her small bed, hugging the closest thing she had to remind her of what her friendship and family was like.

She would have called them. She really would have but she knew her family were on holidays, travelling far out from the bunny burrow- she didn't want to disturb them.

She cried into the soft fabric of a stuffed toy. Childish as it may have seemed, it was the sentimental value that made Judy keep it.

She was a young bunny, it was after she had tried to defend another one of her friends that was being bullied.

Her dreams were put down by all the haters. It was all to much for her.

So for once, instead of being the discouraging parents they were, they gifted her with the toy carrot.

It was a bright orange with lime felt leaves. A small cute face sewn in the middle with two little red circles for rosy cheeks.

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