Chapter One

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Love to be given.

That's what my orange wristband said even the hundredth time I read it.I need to keep my eyes focused on something in order not to faint again.If I do they will force me to eat.

The white letter colouring started to fade in my eyes so I just looked around me.Nothing to see really.Only the bed with blue and white sheets I was sitting on,an office with two drawers,a small wardrobe,the door for the bathroom,the entrance and a window with closed shutters.I'm not gonna open them.The white light of the lamp was enough to hurt my eyes.

Everything had a fresh smell.And by everything I mean my bed sheets.I guess I just took the place of someone else that was here before.Probably left.Or died.Everyone who leaves the room in a hospital or clinic pretty much ends up like this.

I would have left the room but when I tried before I found out the door was locked.Of course it is.I guess I need to wait for my doctor in this depressing room.

I lifted my shirt a bit to look at my fat that stared back at me.I have a long way to go.I won't stop now.I don't care what they're gonna try to do to me.If they give me food I will throw it away and if they force me to eat I'll just throw it up.They can't force me to do this.A tear formed in my right eye when the entrance slowly started unlocking from outside.I left my shirt fall back down and swept away the tear.

The door opened slowly and I stood up.This was not the guy who brought me here.I am not complaining I just don't really like socializing.His hair was dark brown and really curly.He had a bit of beard spreading on his cheeks,mustache and chin that was also brown but surprisingly,his eyes were blue.I don't know if their colour is considered to be the piercing blue,but they certainly are not deep blue.He wore a simple dark blue shirt with black skinny jeans and the common white robe above it with a tag on the left part of it saying 'Dr Trohman' on it with black leterring.

"Hello Patrick"he said with a smile,showing his bright white teeth at me.He slowly closed the door behind him."I am Joe,your personal health care assistant for your stay in our clinic."he said and then looked at me.

I noticed that he was holding one of those things doctors have to keep notes.I didn't move.I just waited for him to say something."I guess you know why you are here,right?"I didn't reply."Do you want me to remind it to you?"he asked and waited for me to respond but I didn't.

I know the answer to all of those questions but I am just looking for a way to get out of here while he is too busy trying to talk to me."It would be really helpful if you could answer me Patrick"he said and I just shook my head out of the short gaze.

"I'm-I'm sorry"I said and looked down.He just smiled sympathetically.

"That's okay.I need to ask you a few more things so do you mind if we sit down a little bit?"he asked and I nodded.We walked to the bed and sat down at the same time. "Now tell me,do you remember why you are here?"

"No"I lied just to earn more time.

"You fainted when you were at school and they took you in the school nurse.She called your mother who-"

"Okay,okay I remembered"I cut him off.I don't want to hear him saying the rest of it because I know that it is not a happy part.

He just looked at me but didn't say anthing about it.He just took a black pen he had inside his pocket and wrote something down.I didn't pay attention to what he wrote because I don't really care to be honest.He looked back at me

"Can you tell me when did all this start?"he asked.I am not that stupid.If I tell him the he will not let me alone for a second.

"No"I murmured and looked down

Perfection Of Insanity~Peterick FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora