Chapter Twelve

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Gerard and Frank were sitting on one of the couches,talking,smiling and petting each other.Shouldn't Frank be with Ryan?Shouldn't Joe be with you and Mikey be with Brendon? Anyway they seem too busy to notice me passing by.I looked down and started walking towards the exit.

"Patrick where are you going?Alone?"asked Gerard.Of course he noticed me. Now what do I say?Is there a point in lying?Maybe I should tell the truth and then run as fast as I can out of here.He walked close to me.

"You know...I just wanted some fresh air."I lied.

It's the worst lie in history.The most common and less believable lie that exists.

"That's why we have the garden.On the other side of the building"he said.

Frank just sat there and watched the whole conversation.

"I prefer the front area though."I said and took a step forward,which would mean I would be outside if Gerard didn't grab my shoulder.

"You know,running away won't make things better.It will just worsen them."he pulled me inside and on the couch between him and Frank."Listen we know that you don't know why we keep you here and maybe you think you are completely fine,but Patrick believe me things are not always the way we want to see.Most of the times it's the opposite."he thinks that this way he's gonna change my mind."It's not easy for us seeing you suffer.Not at all.We are men but fuck the stereotypes.You can't even imagine how many times we ended tearing up or started smoking and drinking again because you are in situations like this.It's not easy for us seeing you suffer like that,but we know that we can't let you leave either.That's because we will never forgive ourselves for letting you do so.It's like giving you a one way ticket to hell."My life was always hell,so who gives a shit?

He opened his mouth to say something but a voice from inside the hallway interrupted everything.

"I need to move an unconscious patient quickly.His pulse is dropping and has trouble breathing."Gerard jumped up and nodded to Frank.

Now it's the perfect moment.I jumped off the couch and ran for the exit

"No Patrick,wait"I heard Frank calling and I think he also tripped and fell because of the noise.

I stood up really quickly and find it really hard to stay balanced.Let alone that everything turned black for seconds so I couldn't see either.I just kept running.

I'm outside.Finally.I'm not gonna look back now,because if I do everything will be ruined.But now that I look around me I realize something I didn't think before.I have no idea where I am.

Joe's POV:

"Mikey,you are talking about my patient!He doesn't need to hear all these so we may as well lea-"I turned around just to come to the realization Patrick isn't where I thought he would be.

I turned back to Mikey and he looked equally shocked. I lost him.Again.Both me and Mikey started running to look for Brendon and Patrick.

I should look at the janitor's first.That's where he was the first time.I ran up the stairs skipping most of them and rushed to the end of the hallway,where the door was.I opened it to find nothing else but  cleaning products.I didn't bother to close the door,I just went downstairs,almost tripping a few times.Maybe he's in the garden.I don't know why I didn't go there first, or why me and Mikey completely ignored the presence of the door that led to the garden when we were arguing about Brendon.

I ran to the back of the room and reached for the doorknob.I pushed it open and found myself in the garden with Brendon in the very back of it.

"Please tell me Patrick's with you"I begged as I went closer to him

"I thought he was inside. Did he leave?"he asked but I had no time to answer.

I turned my back and walked back in the building.The only place left is his room.If he's not there...I have a serious problem.

Moments later I was in the hallway with the rooms just to find four doctors outside of Pete's room.What is going on today?

It's killing me to know what happened and I'm fidgeting between asking or not,but without thinking I opened the door for Patrick's room to find the place exactly how we left it a few hours ago.I pushed the bathroom door open but he wasn't there either.I started panicking.

I walked out of the room and started walking towards the booth but before I reached it,Frank grabbed me and turned me around.


"Frank,did you see Patrick?"

"Joe he ran away."he replied

"He WHAT?"I asked and ran towards the exit,but once again he grabbed my hand.

"Joe,Joe the guards are already out looking at him"he tried  to keep me back

"It doesn't matter.He's MY patient."I said and freed my hand from his grip.

He's gonna get lost.He's gonna faint in the middle of nowhere.He will DIE.

I lost a patient once.I can't go through this again.

A/N:I'm going on vacation this Saturday and I won't be home for two weeks so I don't know when the next update is going to be.I'm still not sure how things with Patrick (and Pete) should go though.What do you think is going to happen?I hope you liked this chapter and if you did,please vote and/or comment.Feedback always appreciated.

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